Mesh limits

Anyone know if there is a list of items with there mesh limit count. Curious as I am building a storage and want to figure out how many storage blocks I can use.

if its not a block it counts, the limit is 512 complex non blocks in a 2x2 plotted area which is a chunk.

chunk boundaries are divisible by 16 so from 0,0,X to 16,16,X is 1 chuck that can have up to 512 complex non blocks so storage chests, shelves, signs, torches, machines, sparklinks, etc all count.

my best advice is to build really big and wide the game hates it when you big vertically.

“pizza box is better than soda can”


So one storage block counts as one towards the mesh limit?

Yes, every block that’s not a flat cube counts toward the mesh limit, storage block included.

It’s mostly intuition or testing to know what counts, but if I had to make a rule of thumb: “if a block can’t be chiseled, or chiseling only rotates the block, it counts towards mesh limit”


It shouldn’t be too hard for the developers to provide this list?
I am also interested in a specific list!


for the most part:
Can you chisel it and change it’s shape? Then it’s definitely a block
If you chisel it does it rotate? Then definitely NOT a block.

If its not a “box with a texture painted on it” then it counts.

Refined X, compressed X, compacted X, Rock, Stone, Trunk, lava, water, foilage, gravel, dirt, trunk glass blocks, anything with just 6 faces(as in 3d model), etc = block, no limit

storage chests, crafting tables, spark links, doors, glass panes, anything useful/cool/functional = counts towards limit.

If you think while placing the block “i sure hope this doesn’t count towards the limit” then it counts toward the limit.

The only exception i can think of is i think of is maybe plants or crops? im not sure about that i havent ran into this issue with farms.

It’s not just a “mesh” limit but it also limits the number of computations they need to do in a given area where players are. Its the fix for what is TPS lag on top of graphics lag in minecraft.

Better rule of thumb: dont ever build vertically because you will get punished for it. got 100 plots? you should consume a 10x10x1 area anything else and you are just punishing yourself.


My suggestion is to go into the Dev tools area and map out a 4x4 plot area that contains 4 chunks. The watch the mesh count go up and down as you place different things. You can create many layers of that and model out your build to get an idea whether you will hit the limit or not.


  1. ESC, Settings, Game Tab, Debugging - Turn on.
  2. F1, Menu, Debug Information
  3. Make the Debug Info window larger - long along left side of screen
  4. In Debug Info open section - Selection and in there Current Chunk
  5. Hit F1 again so you can move around but keep the debug info window open.
  6. Watch the Position entry as you move around. You will notice when the numbers change and you can use that data to map out the X,Y of the chunk. Place a sand block in each corner. (Also note to do this near the bottom of a plot just so it is easier to understand what your build might look like with floors)
  7. After you have mapped out some chunks in both directions start putting items in there and you can watch the “mesh blocks” section go up and down.

As stated, 512 is the max and we aren’t really ever expecting any changes in this area unless the game ever goes through a huge graphic engine adjustment (if I remember right). Highly unlikely for a long while if ever - I’ve push hard personally with the devs to change it (in EA and Release) and it just isn’t on the plate at this point. Too much mesh in an area and the game goes through frame rate lag, etc.

If you are smart you can make things work if you are trying to build many floors. But remember a chunk goes from mantle all the way to the top building area. So it’s all the vertical space in that chunk that adds.

Here’s a quick list. I may have forgot a few.
Closed storage
Open storage
Shop stands
Crafting tables
Spark generator
Spark links
Module Signs
Trap doors
Holiday/event placables
Combustion crops
Portal conduits
Warp conduits
Creative world conduits
Boulders and other rocks
Chairs and tables.

Non mesh
Glass panes

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Part of the reason I did a 10x10 build was to eliminate this risk. The wife and I have a huge build with two massive machine stacks, farms, storage, etc and I think in each chunk the highest I got was around 220. We built large enough to double stack even. So depending on if you are looking for functionality vs aesthetics, you can do a lot.

Our original build was 5x5 and tall. We didn’t realize we were butting up against mesh limits before it was too late.

Glass panes aren’t counted as complex blocks anymore, it was just short while like that.


and don’t forget that combustion plants count toward mesh limit in a farm. :frowning:


Arn’t some (if not all) of the decoration flowers (inc the meteor stone thing) plantable seeds and resource plants/stones also mesh?
(The non “drop” plans where the same as grass from the start i think)

Not sure about warp/portal conduits either.

Anyway I always follow this line…
If it isn’t a full block when placed, interactive and/or preforms a purpose it probably counts to mesh. Glass panes and “grass” types excluded (jams, wheat, oats,…=> grass as they are 2D)

Like at @almund said glass panes and organic crops where “updated” not that long after the glass release.

[edit] doesn’t kranut also count to mesh havent planted it for over a year now.

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Used to hit the limit quite often but build way to big since i moved to Lamblis. Ill see now at times 150 or so…

Ok I appreciate all the feedback. I am aware of what counts towards toward the mesh limit however I am looking for physical numbers. I play on Ps4 and don’t have the debug menu option that I’m aware of. @james you have physical numbers for mesh limit numbers do some thing contribute more to the mesh limit then others? As I have hit the mesh limit on multiple occasions with machines and farms it doesn’t seem that each interactive block only counts as 1 towards the limit.

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It’s per block limit 512 per chunk. All complex blocks are created equal.

So a friend on pc tested the numbers for me 296 ornate iron chest equals 300 mesh and 130 signs equals 132 to the mesh limit.

So where is the extra 4 on chest coming from and extra 2 from signs coming from?

can’t there be some boulders respawning underground ?