Mining drops intented?

Ok so i will post this cause @Steggs101 told me to post this on forum prolly to see has anyone else experienced this.
So the thing is in old universe we got even 5-7 resources per node, bit now its much lower!
Example diamond node gives MAX 2. This seems way too little comparing what gatherers are swinging from their plants etc.

I would say 6 or 7 would be op but like max 5 rarely could be ok.

Edit. I have max luck


I think it’s bad enough that they drastically decreased the amount of areas certain things will spawn in, to decrease the amount of drops from each node makes it so much worse.
in addition to having more drops, when we are in an area that spawns a RARE resource like anything but copper, that should be pretty much all we see.
when i dig in a hotspot for titanium, i should be seeing more titanium than any other resource. all i saw was copper and tons of small fossils.

[edit] to add to that, if we are getting less extra drops and sometimes not getting the block, that’s even worse. we NEED to have the original block drop. I suggested that in the what turns you off playing Boundless thread, don’t punish legitimate players, just prevent the thing the cheaters are trying to get. extra drops from already placed blocks.


With these things already being rare. . how bad is it going to get with another 1000 or more players competing for the same resources? Adding higher tier planets will not (in my opinion) solve this. The resources need to be reachable by people as they advance. .


Its not about rarity its about amount mining stuff drops. Its way too low comparing to plants. I dont feel its worth to go full miner. And im full miner. I feel betrayed.


The purpose of this thread is to let us know your experience with resource drops from nodes. Are you seeing the same as Buugi is? I’d like to know so I can start a discussion at the studio.

While resources being on different planets is still pretty much on topic, I’d appreciate it if you could open a new thread about that specifically.

In this thread I only want to hear your experience of resource drops from nodes (let us know how many drops you’re getting and if you’ve increased luck etc as well).



I get a max of 2 gems or titanium from any t5 planet. It is half of what we we were getting on a t5, but I dont know if they spread it out to also have them increase drops up to the top tier like they do with coal and other metals.

Edit: with max luck.

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sorry if I strayed from the original topic i just thought they were sort of relatable but i get your point. I haven’t been able to fully max out my luck but the extra drops do seem a little low.


yeah that doesn’t sound right at all.

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I haven’t been logging my data for mining, but I’ve been curious about the impact of luck to decide if it’s worth the skill points or not.

I’ve been getting an average a little under 2.5 iron per block on Lamblis with 4/8 luck. I have a lot of hammer skills, but no other skills (beyond 4/8 luck) to influence drops.

Given how infrequent nodes seem to be, I’m thinking zeal for extra energy so I can see more blocks is likely a better spend for mining.

Not mining, but tangentially related: I did log 400 twisted timber last night, in two batches of 200. The first batch gave 31 sap, the second gave 28, for an average of 0.15 sap per trunk harvested, again with 4/8 luck. This does seem better than the 0.10 sap per trunk I have heard several other players mention on this board.

We only have access to the lower end of gem planets, there is still t6 and t7 in the future, right?
So I guess it’s intended that we only get 2 gems per seam like you only get 2 copper on t1?


With sap I got 136 out of 1100 logs before the 2x change, and 237 out of 1100 last night. Both on US East starting hostile world.


Thats honestly what I figured it was.

Iirc our old ring worlds were t6 under the new system.

I do feel that collecting nature items is more pain than mining. Plants seem to drop that base material leaves/beans too low when having max luck and gathering epic. Going on surface is harder because of mobs have high aggro range and meteors hit sometimes near to me and foliage is so tall that locating small models is pain (this lead me to lower foliage quality for faster gathering). For example, I am getting 2 leaves and amount of sack cloth is required to make base items for cooking is quite high.

I have been mining on one turbulent planet and it has been offering gems. Srop rate could be higher but I feel that I have found gem nodes better than in old planets. Also current planets don’t seem to be dangerous as old universes ring worlds where elite mobs were common to wander around. But it does require atmosphere protection and much points invested so that blocks do break in proper time scale.

There hasn’t been yet Savage, Brutal or Fierce (Ring world got rating like this on 196).
So maybe those planets do drop gems better. If turbulent planets are mean to be around middle of risky area I can understand that gem drops are like those are right now but these planets already require much skill points that gathering around there is as a experience on comfortable area.


I want to say thats right. But I have slept since then :joy:.

I have noticed this too (but like i said i haven’t maxed luck so I haven’t experienced the full end of the spectrum for this problem)

My experience has been that I can get fiberous leaves pretty quickly and easily, which I can sell at Omni’s shop and then buy more than enough iron ore to make up for not mining.

Sap and leaves are pretty valuable, and I can make more money collecting those with 0 skill points invested than I can mining iron/coal with 10 skill points invested. I know that’s at least in part an artifact of the economy, where many players prefer mining over lumberjack or flower picking, but at this point I really wonder how worthwhile mining is.

Also, sap and leaves are plentiful on the same plant, iron and coal are kept separate (please don’t nerf sap and leaves). It just seems way easier to me, though I will admit that tall grass can make it difficult, I’m hoping I will eventually use grass seed in cooking, so I consider it an acceptable by-catch, since so far grass seed is worthless.

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This may change once shops are more established (shop stands/request baskets require a ton of leaves & sap!) - though sap will probably always be high demand due to glue being used in tools

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My experience about mining nodes (iron ores, cooper etc), if i do not use luck i get mostly only 1 drop/nodes and if i have max luck, i do get 2 drops/nodes 90% on the time.

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Sap is also used to make the XP foods… like, a lot of sap. Especially if you want to bulk craft it.

I think Sap is a pretty safe market. If food gets popular, it uses a lot of cloth too, but I agree with your point that much of the current demand is driven by large ships trying to establish themselves. There clearly isn’t a set market rate, as request baskets in aqua differ by 3x for the same materials.