Minor Bugs in the Forum

It’s just shortening it to month an year. That’s working as intended .

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Thanks @Saint_X - I’ve fixed these issues. Good spotting!


@james this both left.

but rest good work

The badges are in alphabetical order - I could maybe number them to get the order correct.

picture linked to old forum.
the images are deleted or has been moved in the folder?

@james did you read this ?

It’s because of the domain renaming. If you give me the link to the page I can rebuild the html - which fixes it.

as example here

this fix for all or only for this single page ?

I’ve fixed all the images on this page.

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Ah thats what that button do, if any othr problems are encountered with that kind of missing images me @Havok40k and @Squidgy and @Stretchious should be able to fix them. :smile:

No needs to contact devs for that ^.^


i asked a dev because a dev had maybe the chance to fix all in the databse with a simple replace command or over a other way i dont know. and a leader is still a moderator and moderator has normal no database access ^^

but seems like they ónly can fix every post just over editing the link in the post direct.

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