can i ask here if anyone knows if luminous viridian gleam is available anywhere?
it’s not on the ps planet explorer, I don’t know if it’s been unlocked yet
@Nightstar I had a gleam chest full back then, now i have but a few stacks left
I really hope someone lucks out with it on a planet at some point, i’ve given up on it showing up on Exo again.
I found bright tan, but it’s just not the same, it’s too yellow/gold.
Updated list with new colors and colors which have been found
Got Bright Red on Oria V, warp from Cephonex, no portal but open to collecting.
Alright I went with Bright Yellow
TNT Hub Houchus > Zakonia
Takes you right on top of a gleamball
Love it
10 chars
Bright lilac on ghandara (default name lol)
Strong Azure (Gleam ■■■■■ etc) on Saqsaywaman … via PS Gloviathosa (2nd portal from right on North side)
The Gleam hub is coming to track down all y’all
Well, I saw someone unlocked Strong Cherry gleam a couple days ago, which I like, and I was bored so bought a blast rental earlier…
But see that someone just now unlocked Violet gleam!!
Unless I actually happen to get a new color myself, I’ll be adding that… planet name will be Sheogorath, and being USW T6, will either be Norkyna or Alcyon. If Alcyon, definitely will do a portal from Paka’s Palace to farm it (even if it is just a 4 week one) and if there is interest, will try to do one on Norkyna, let me know if so though. Edit: If there is REALLY strong interest in Violet, let me know soon… I could buy a T1 and add that to it, and then put the Strong Cherry on the T6.
The oblivion plane of chaos?
Hmm I may not visit… haha
But there will be lots of cheese! CHEESE FOR EVERYONE!
Maybe. Or cheese for no one. But at least glow caps to kill. I hope.
(C’mon, are any of you really surprised Sheo is my patron daedra? Though Sanguine might be a fair guess too…
Edit: Ok, got Alcyon with the rental! So there will be a portal to it at Paka’s Palace even if I don’t get it open today, might take a bit to select the spot, also perhaps wait to finalize to see on the Violet gleam if any are really wanting a T1 for that.
Edit again: Though it will change, appropriately enough, the rental does indeed appear to be covered in cheese…
I think @ghandymarshall was the one to unlock violet
Yes I was. Available on my t6. Just got warm violet too if thats new
Great, thanks! Since you’ve got the Violet on a T6 then, I’ll put the Strong Cherry on mine when I finalize. And maybe still do a T1 Violet for an extra option or maybe unlock more, haha.
The t1 would be much better for farming
@Fante Dunno if they’re worth anything, but I have 3 Sovereign World :
Doria Prime (near Sochaltin I) with Rust Fuschia Gleam
Huurska (near Sochaltin I) with Cool Azure Gleam
Outland (near Cardass) with Warm Magenta Gleam
Let me know if they’re useful to miners and such, otherwise I won’t re-fuel them.
Is Rose Gleam available.?
Not yet
@ghandymarshall how do you get to your violet world? Also warm violet was exo 3 times and at least 2 sovereigns have it selected. Thanks for rolling violet