Missing my home

Where on raxxa are you? Someone can come find you and show you a portal network @Musoyama

The portal networks are player-maintained portal hubs spread all over the Oortiverse.

One of the bigger, compact ones is TNT, though thereā€™s also [PS], and Ultima of pretty much the same size.
Iā€™m unsure if the Aus guild Hubbit still maintains their network, as I donā€™t travel to Aus planets too often.

I personally use TNT due to the convenience it turned out to be for me, and with how compact their central hub is. Though, Ultima has a setup that isnā€™t much different, although with a few differences on how the server portals are sorted.

Really depends on personal taste, admittedly. :stuck_out_tongue:

(sorry if I forgot one or two; Iā€™ve been up for nearly two days now)

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Ah! I missed that announcement. Thank you, Seph. ĆøwĆøb