Missing prestige, was a city now a town

I may be missing something, but I think the prestige was spread to a few alts and a main and the settlement was absorbed ? If it is so, OP should create a guild to put all alts in it and let the guild manage the beacons so that all beacons prestige will be added to the settlement created by the guild. This would add all alts prestige and OP’s main prestige together again so that OP can see their total prestige the same way they did before. If I am understanding things correctly, this would settle OP’s problem.

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I think that’s correct, if all the beacons are from different characters he owns then he needs to group them in a guild. When he had the largest prestige beacon he had absorbed all other beacons under a settlement, but now seems like some one with a bigger settlement absorbed everything.


That’s why I always have my beacons aligned to one of my two guilds that way it only counts the builds I know it should.

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Hi i have mentioned above in my comments that i had to make a guild called COSMICVIBRATIONS.I added my alt starchild and 2nd alt solarheart to my home beacon .Now my beacons from my alts are all alligned to me my pyramid 11 moon beacon.Also just to be clear i own 2 beacons not to far from each other.So my home beacon is pyramid 11 moon and my 2nd beacon is also mine thats called ancient aliens love and peace.I never knew that a warden has some extra prestige from other players beacons.I just thought a warden gets tax from peoples beacon and names the place.Photos in this thread show my prestige and my alts prestige .Thanks for comments.Nice people trying to help.I never bothered making a guild when the update came because im a solo player.Luckily now i made a guild it now shows my settlement when i am on my land.


Tax goes into the void. No one gets that. The higher prestige of a settlement the higher the FF that is generated per person tho


Happy to see that you settled it. Losing prestige in this game can be pretty alarming since we put so much time building and acquiring it.


When i made my guild i made sure my alts beacons are all controlled by my guild.I ticked the box in beacon guild settings on all beacons plus my own.

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Thanks to everyone helping me sort it out.Would still like a dev to confirm why prestige is way less since not being warden.Thats a big amount of prestige lost.

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I went to your settlement and checked it out. Here’s what happened: Originally, the COSMICVIBRATIONS settlement had Torkomi Nation, Funky Freak, Cuttlepunks, Portal Seekers, etc., all contributing to it’s prestige amount (as shown by your very first screenshot). That’s why it had 10M prestige. However, NOW, there are only 3 contributors to the COSMICVIBRATIONS settlement consisting of you and your alts. All the other contributors like cuttlepunks and portal seekers are now contributing straight to the United Republic of Lamblis settlement, and not yours.


My alt STARCHILD has 69,734 prestige .STARCHILD has another beacon 338,781,this is STARCHILD home beacon .STARCHILD has another beacon 116,393 prestige,.2nd alt SOLARHEART has 37 prestige .This is after i wasnt warden.The before screenshots of my alts beacon readings i havent posted as i need to see if i can find them.Normally i take screenshots of my beacons more than my alt.I will try find some.

Also, if you are not aware, you are a settlement within a settlement (sub-settlement), and that might be part of the confusion. You are part of the United Republic of Lamblis settlement now. It’s a little weird how it works. That’s probably why you are no longer warden.

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So when i was warden the missing prestige was from those beacons ?Am i right? If so then it makes sense what your saying.Well ive learnt something new about prestige and how it works.Im glad i asked for help so cheers for checking.Now i can carryon having fun on boundless.Im nearly a city already so am happy about that.

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Yes, basically. You were the owner of the supersettlement, so you got to name it and become warden. Someone exceeded you in prestige and took the warden role and supersettlement away. You will have to exceed 9.1M prestige to take it back.

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Just wandering why it dosent say united republic of lamblis after it says my settlement guild name and town.i mean when i walk on my land the white writing dosent say the great city name just mine.On my beacon it says im located in united republic of lamblis.Is that normal?

Yes. Up at the top it will show the beacon name and sub-settlement name only. If you walk around the outskirts of United Republic of Lamblis, it’ll probably be the same for all the other sub-settlements like portal seekers or cuttlepunks.


For example, this is Portal Seekers inside the United Republic of Lamblis. Just shows it as a village and unnamed beacon.


The fact that you took the time to go check first hand and post screenshots with explanation is a really nice gesture.


Yes i really appriciate everyones feedback on my issues so huge thankyou to you all.Happy 2020 to you all:)


Thankyou for taking the time out to actually go to lamblis and check my place plus the above screenshot . :slight_smile: Happy 2020!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Hi james my issues are sorted now thanks to Flying Penguin a boundless player.Thankyou for a quick response to my post here.Also thanks to everyone elses feedback.A wonderful community you have.


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