Molav's Paintshop

Adding ShowRoom post to my shop thread.

My new portal at ShowRoom USW has been opened and will help me greatly reduce my oort cost per hour. Much appreciated @msnraul

I have been able to add a mail box, sign, and demo stand due to the reduced portal space. Thank you to all my patrons, let me know if there is a color that anyone would like to see in stock. I am expanding my farm by 25,500 blocks plantable.


Are you alone to harvest your goo farm?

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Yeah, I’m a solo farmer for my goo farm. :slight_smile:

Isn’t too painfull for you to harvest alone? I’m asking because I used to have minimum 25 gleam for every 255 colors in my goo farm but it took me always hours to harvest.

I reclaimed my settlement since and I plan to rebuilt my goo farm. Still with all the colors but more a tiny version^^

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Yeah, it can be quite labor intensive. It would be nice if the devs at least let us forge gem tiller that can have speed harvesting for goo.

And it would be nice if they implemented sprinklers that auto fertilize the seeds.

And I would like little robots to help me harvest.

But I am enjoying seeing all the colors. And it’s nice to have a shop that people like to visit. A little niche.

Takes me many hours to harvest, I have to split it up into sections. 1 section a day. But sometimes I play other games, so its not always consistent

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I feel you. Robots to help us doing the harvest would be such a great improvement in quality of life!

Man I have rarely fertilized my goo farm, it was already enough work with only the harvest part lol

Yes, in the other hand, seeing all the colors is enjoying :slight_smile:


Just added 95.7k sprays to inventory.

Are there any paint colors that people would like me to work on getting stocked?

Hmmm…I don’t know how much white rock is still floating around, and I don’t know if it’s been unlocked in sovereigns yet, but there’s always people looking for that color. :man_shrugging:t3:


White rock has not been unlocked For sovereigns and I am not convinced it ever will be unless they allow us to spawn exo tier planets.


i kind of want white to stay rare… and be exo exclusive

Why? It is a basic color to build with. Why should a basic color be locked behind a time gated feature?


because i feel that the game is already to easy
people are losing interest because its becoming so easy.
its just part of the game mechanics of holding updates behind locked doors
the community will come up with suggestions but don’t you think they have this already prepared? of course they do! like when we got sovereigns after thousands of purchases we get a cave option but why was this not added in the first place when the community asked for it prior release of the sovereigns? its just how a game works , and the same is for my own game server

new character item sets with for example 10 slot options effects
of course you aint going to release the 10 slots at once, why would you?
players will just scream for more updates and demand more.
you need to keep the players happy, and try to keep the update flow minimal to have at least some backup.

now we got given sovereigns but trust me in a while we get more updates related to sovereigns
as for armor. shields, titans its always something that comes back, and they will come but like i said it will be when they are ready for it ‘‘keep the players happy and curious’’

I don’t see how a color not existing makes the game less easy; it’s just more frustrating.

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welcome to boundless :smile:

I can appreciate that you and others might find the game easy. However, I do not see how easy equates to a color existing in the universe. It still has to be mined or gathered and processed into the proper material to use in a build. The point is making the color available. Putting it only on a exo does not automatically make it harder. All it does is put players into a position to have to wait months or years hoping a color they want will make an appearance. That sounds like a good way to get players to leave the game. Who wants to wait a few years for a color to maybe pop into existence?

I will strongly disagree with this. There is no indication from any developer that there is a solution to this on the horizon.


for me i don’t care i enjoy the game always I’m totally not bothered if it gets added or not I will just adapt to the changes.

some things should not be talked about by developers or administration this way you get rumors and expectations.

Players should not play a game hoping for change based on rumors. That is just setting players up for disappointment and disappointed players leave bad reviews.


No. Based on how they release things, it is very clear that they are releasing everything they have as soon as it’s done, and any incremental releases that happen later were done later. There is no reason to believe anything else, as there is no evidence of anything else.

Also, if you want to have successful features, you want to wait to develop your refinements after the fact because you want to wait to see what people ask for. Developing the stuff you think people will want, rather than waiting to see what they actually want, is dumb.

Please take off your tin foil hat!

I understand but thats kinda whats going on currently :sweat_smile:

Anywho buddy I think we are going off topic here