Molav's Paintshop

Better for you to stay in the box :package: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Last reply due to going off topic

I would have agreed, sadly the precedent is now set with black gleam becoming readily available. To me those were the two highly useful rare colours. One is everywhere now, so why not the other too.

I know one is rock and the other is gleam, but they are both heavily used in builds.

In terms of why it isn’t unlocked…because to me not enough people have rolled a sapphire/chill (whatever its actually called) world that has a lot of light colours - like alycon.

Based on the topic spiral… I’d say white was a pretty safe bet for you to produce sprays for!! :wink:


Yeah, sounds like it.


I may be paying you a visit soon for colors I can’t mix myself. I’m making 21 ornate stone storage chests for every color and will be spray painting the colors that aren’t out yet. I’m noticing deeps, strongs, vivids, and pure colors are the most rare. Maybe stock up on those.

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I have refilled goo kernal buying baskets on counter.