Money printer goes brrrrrrr

Sure, my real opinion is that AWS has pretty affordable snapshot storage that should be being used or offered for a yearly fee on request.

Iā€™ve seen discussions on time frame and pay checks before and there is literally no good time frame. A gets paid monthly, B gets paid every two weeks. C gets paid twice a month which is different than every two weeks. It is a situation with no simple answer except for them to just pick one.


Then there are oddballs like me who gets paid weekly but only when I work, or seasonal professions like teaching that can have several months without pay.

It shouldnā€™t be a gaming companyā€™s job to budget for you. We are all adults(or at least 13 according to the EULA) and should be able to manage our own finances.

If you know your world costs $20/month, and you get paid every other week, plan for $12 per pay to account for variance. If you are cutting it that close on bills, maybe play on a friendā€™s world or a public world.

I use an app called mint to plan my finances. I budget $50/month on games and entertainment - and rarely use it so it builds up over the years.

If you arenā€™t able to manage your finances, ask a personal favor from a trusted person IRL and youā€™d be surprised how many people are willing to help you.

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I was talking about the rent payment for the rental planet. But I can understand the confusion if you read it quicklyā€¦

If someone canā€™t for some reason pay the fuel, aka rent, for a planet they probably canā€™t pay it for an entire month and thus two weeks is rather short.

For simply forgetting to pay it can be enough if the game also gives us a warning like with beacons is the case.
(does it give a warning that a world is close to ehh closing down?)

Nope, youā€™re right, that is what I meant. They are rental planets so the fuel is rent in my mind.


I dunno how this Forum always makes everything so complicated.

You play= planet is live
You dont pay = you lose the planet

I think thats Pretty clear lol.


In the Netherlands itā€™s rather common to be paid monthly and not every two weeks. Some do every 4 weeks tho.

So picking two weeks means that if someone is unable to pay due to financial circumstances that only the people who are on a two week payment schedule are being helped by this. Everyone else who is on a different schedule can wave their rentals goodbye.

So it would be best to pick a time period that works for everyone. A month. Even if you get paid every week two weeks or 4 weeks you have time to recover.

Not saying this will be an issue for many, but I know of myself that I can have some really tight months once in a while. Of course the addict that I am I will save money on other things and pay the fuel for my planet first but I can imagine others might not be able to do thisā€¦

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The problem stems from only a miniscule 2-week ā€œfrozenā€ period before a planet is straight out wiped of all data.


Think about that. Missing a payment by two weeks because oneā€™s pay cycle doesnā€™t permit them to make their payment until 15 days later means the entire planet is lost. Not just usersā€™ beacons, but the entire planet, gone. That user would need to go through the generation process once again and pray to RNGesus they get a new planet to their likings.


I think 2 weeks is more than fairā€¦ I was surpriced that there even is Storing time.

If you cannot afford paying 10ā‚¬ after 30days of fuel (using 3km as example) ā€¦ I think you should re consider should you even use your money To this kinda stuff.

I Feel 3km ones are For the casuals.
And those have low cost of maintaining.

If you CHOOSE To take bigger onesā€¦ Thats on youā€¦you shouldnt start complaining about how you cannot pay the amount For the fuel cause you chose the ā€œpremiumā€ planetā€¦

People should have common senseā€¦ You cannot ditch everything on devsā€¦
You should know what you can afford and what not. If you cannot do thatā€¦ Then dont rent the planet.


Have you ever heard of the term ā€œEmergenciesā€? You know, those sudden, unexpected things that come up and ruin ones plans? Think about it.

Sure, budgeting is nice, but it still doesnā€™t discount the fact that emergencies can happen. Should I be penalized because I had something unexpected come up that changed my financial outlook on things?


Ye ye and you can get hit by a car tomorrow and dieā€¦ Dude you cannot know the future.

Its not devs Job To take conserns every single thing that can happen In your life lol.


i think that 2 week period is for the players that has built on the planet aswell and do not own it. This give them the time to move on or extend the planet.


That would make sense.

If this happens, comment on the forums. If the devs donā€™t hold it until you can get your situation worked out, Iā€™d be very surprised if not one person on the forums would be willing to float you a month or a few weeks.


Storing them is not enough. They change their servers from time to time which means they either have to start all these stored dead planets up to convert them whenever they change the format, or keep an updating procedure from every old version to the newest.

In the end thatā€™s just not a useful time investment on their part. Keeping a planet running is cheaper then most MMOs subscription.

Same problem, 1 year later the data will be there but canā€™t be loaded with the current server code. But neglecting thatā€¦ These things are huge. Do you expect them to have an archive for dead planets filled with USB drives in their basement?

Hey, James, they payed again for Bori. No, the other Bori. Yes, that Bori. Can you please look for that USB disk?

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3 months storage for all planets not named Boori

I assume thereā€™s some compression. Otherwise napkin math says a 3km world would be about a terabyte or two.

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A few players did raise a good point and that is that if we start getting some of the updates that add content and/or modify existing mechanics then stored planets would have to go through a conversion process. Is this really where we want the developers spending time, converting stored planets because we insisted on them being stored for months instead of a few weeks?

While I would feel sorry for a player that lost their planet this is no different than a player loosing their build I a beacon expiring. They have options to give other players permissions to fuel their beacons or they can fuel their beacon with gleam club for an extended period. With rentals anyone with a beacon or that can get to the planet can add fuel, and a player can pay to have their planet fueled months out at a time and still add every month so they always have additional coverage in case of a single month emergency.


Wouldnā€™t all worlds need conversion then? So far this hasnā€™t been necessary since launch.

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Actually all planets did go through a conversion with farming. Of that I am certain.


Yep good call

I am actually in the process of making a dashboard that tracks this, but my SQL skills are not quite up to par to do all of the magic calculations to turn the values into usable data for the dashboard.

I do at the very least have the number of Sovereigns per day:

EDIT: Update. I got something I am happy with: