Monumental Boundless news!

I lost my patience after 6 years, so I am more “flexible” than most :crazy_face:

Out of curiosity, @monty1, was this @Tahru? Not sure if you can even say or if he still used that name in Crowfall but I know he was a big backer of both games back in about 2015 and along with @Xaldafax I believe was involved in frequent meetings with James and company during early days of Boundless development. Just haven’t seen him on these forums in a few years and miss the guy and wanted to say hello/wish him well.

I believe he said it was @Deathwhisper aka Michael.


Ty! Been busy with WOTLK Classic pre-patch and haven’t had a chance to read the 372 posts this thread has accumulated :laughing:



Thanks again!


I’ll be here while the team focuses but I can tell you that there won’t be any big news for at least 6 months if not longer. It takes time to put a team together and for them to learn all of the workings of a game. We’re experiencing this with Crowfall.


Hey!! I’ll DM you so we don’t derail this thread.


It takes time hopefully when their is some stuff in the pipe line that we can get wind of it. even if the announcement is something like this…

Working on big bad system upgrades
Fixing the old
Making Biitula go boom

Complete nonsense wording as to not get peoples hopes up for dates and times but enough information so we know progress is happening.

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Lmao everyone gotta hate on my homeworld! Biitula forever! Illuminoorti forever!


How many people do you have on staff right now, who can code in whatever language boundless is written in?

@monty1 best of luck to your studio, if you are willing to put in the necessary work to fix the mmo part of the game I am sure you can make this a profitable endeavour (sell cosmetics or make some cosmetic loot boxes for income and it should be worth your while lol).

I am looking forward to see what will become of this IP, fingers crossed you got a good deal and don’t listen too much to the crazy ideas of the forum people then you should be golden. o/

Some more transparency would have been nice to let people here know along the way whats going on with it, im glad you guys found a new partner but lets be honest you left people in the dark for years and likely hurt your overall retention of players and many who wont come back due to the lack of communication. You guys may not have had the funds to update the game but messaging here is free and theres not really much else to say on that subject.

As much as I agree communication was very (very very very) bad for a long time, I disagree that potentially selling the game should have been announced before the deal was done. I can’t even imagine what would happen if James said they were in talks about it and then it fell through, even those who remained optimistic would feel betrayed and also like hope is gone. I get wanting to know what’s going on, I was very critical of the lack of information we were receiving and had ditched my favorite game because of it, but some things you just can’t disclose until it’s complete.


We can’t go backward and change anything. We can only move forward. :boundless:


Gaming Community: “The reversal of No Man Sky has been the greatest redemption arc in video gaming history”

Monty: “Wait, hold my beer”


:clap: A huge thank you to @james for responding to @monty1 and a bigger thank you to whomever messaged Monty! Looking forward to a continuation of the game, rejuvenation of the boundless spirit and many, many, more creative builds by the community. :clap:

I love this game… I am an addict to rolling planets, but not as much as @bucfanpaka :heart: Crafting is my jam and hunting is important to all that crafting entails… so I have to do that too. :slingbow: :hopper: :slingbow:

:rainbow: Welcome Monumental team, whoever you may be. I’m very happy for what is to come. I love the game as it is, to be frank, but I also understand there is more potential to come.

:vulcan_salute: Long live Boundless and my loving friends and family here in the game. My life would be so boring without all this. :heart: :globe_with_meridians: :heart:

:bat: Chicula :heartpulse: :bat:


Final Fantasy 14:



Biitula is one of, if not my favorite planet. It’s a slightly more crowded planet, but i found an island with more than 200plots of space that is isolated enough for me, maybe that’s not enough space for some players but more than enough for me… I’m actually slowly building up on Biitula at the moment on said island, slow going but progress.

Still it’s practically meme status to say blow up biitula

Oh ff14… How i wished i enjoyed your content, i loved your fishing and cooking, but when it came to story and battle mechanics all i felt was meh…

I’m a minority there though i guess. I still see NMS as a bigger comeback, and if boundless exploded to NMS levels (i doubt, but would love to see what it would look like if it did) I’d say it would be a far better success story as well.

I thought FF14’s story was by far the best I have ever seen. I tend to have extremely thick skin and am very resistant to feeling emotions from story lines and I have never had a story in any movie, TV show, book or game be able to break thru that before encountering FF14’s full Storyline from ARR to Endwalker.

“If you’ve been playing final fantasy 14 for awhile, you will lose the ability to stop yourself from crying” -Zepla

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