Monumental suggestions

an aoe forged tool for planting seeds. Harvesting is easy, replanting on farms is a bit boring.


Well if we’re just brainstorming here, I have a few thoughts in the ol’ brain pan:

  • Textured blocks - “mossy” rocks, cobblestone, patinaed copper, patterned tile, etc.

  • More props, especially small decorative items like flowerpots, teacups, BOOKS because I want to make a dang library, little cakes,

  • Fishing and boats, and put some dangerous critters in the water. Boats that can be used on lava.

  • A pettable cat that follows me around and lays directly in the spot I was working and is constantly underfoot.


Ships like no man sky would be cool actually add the ability to fly through space to get to other planets.

The things I really wanted to see in Boundless before I quit:

Definitely agree with props, but also usable furniture in general. Sittable chairs and couches, for example, or tables you can put display items on.

More, uh, “event” type things. I absolutely loved Gleambow and it was kinda sad to me (but also understandable) that player planets essentially took away the need to ever run it again since most gleam is easily obtainable now. That being said, the game could really use interesting stuff happening every few months or so, more than just creatures dropping random items that can be crafted into X and items for sale in the shop, but I mean more like community building stuff like minigames designed to get people playing together. Also things that enable players to build other minigames would be cool.

The chat system just honestly tear it out and remake it. It’s just awful, I can’t imagine anyone disagrees with this. I think there are like 3 different types of private messages in the game and it’s confusing and weird. It’s also got some insane lag and tbh discord is just faster lol

Blueprints. I let my gleam club lapse and so my great gleam tree is gone, if I could have blueprinted it I absolutely would have. Especially if blueprints can be copied, previewed, and sold/traded, it could make for another really cool aspect to owning shops. Bonus points if you can replace any specific block with another, as you might not have 10k black marble, but you might have 10k dirt somewhere, or if you can bundle blueprints with the necessary items to build it.

Beacon trading. Being able to put a beacon in someone else’s name should be something easily done. Also a beacon inheritance system, where if the owner is gone for X time, someone else they choose can “inherit” automatically. This would have been really useful when my mom’s friend John died, though in the end seeing his plots became too painful for either of us.

Beacon merging, I don’t think this is a thing possible currently, but we should be able to combine multiple beacons into one plot easily, or split them up as well.

“Parties” I guess for lack of a better term, perhaps give small bonuses to players who are grouped up and let them see each other on atlases, as well as having a private channel to talk in (plz fix chat omg).

That’s everything on my mind right now. It’s been quite a while since I played so I’m sure there’s more deep in there, but many of these are things that I think would be useful to have.


Please finally add the advertised missing content that had attracted me and sooo many players initially to the game… the release video was simply enchanting!!

I believe that alone will reignite a resurgence to the game population and hopefully a renewed confidence and enough added income to support these fantastic new ideas!

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Absolutely…but I’ve been flagged too many times for bringing this up in the past :frowning: Been told that Game changed, suck it up, and move on…Still holding out until more PvE options are produced :slight_smile:



I would love to be able to give my different skill pages names.

Thank you,

Git and Refgar


Not sure why anyone flags a suggestion :man_shrugging:… if they disagree they should simply state why or just move on to the next post… it’s a public forum… lots of differing opinions.

If you state support for the missing content and I see it you will get a like from me!! I promise :+1:


this might have been suggested before…
another Sanctum portal leading to ‘Build of the week’ (or several on loop in case the planet fills up)
could be a nomination, if the owner agrees they get a temporary dev portal
it’s a community thing, it’s a NPE thing ( gives them a place to go that is definitely not a random hole in the ground)


I have tons of ideas but please never reduce all crafting to instant. literally the only mechanic that makes anything matter is the time and effort it takes for things to be made.

OF COURSE you could make flotation foods actually reduce gravity and not fall damage, that’d be way more of an interesting mechanic than almost anything else.


We want PANTS!

And it would be nice for a large array of banners or cloths to hang, such as a clan colors with trim and size variations and text options.

Very excited for a new era…


I want a new brew at Halloween that turns me into a cuttletrunk so I can freakin’ laser beam everything!!! Muhahaha!

It lasts for 2 mins or until somebody kills you!


LIKE if you want to see complex block limit abolished


Or get to the root cause of why we need soooooooooooooo much storage!!! Lol

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My new build is limited by 1… complex block limit and 2… spark link max distance
Like why can’t we use advanced power coils for roads lol ???


Performance issues. You raise 1-3 visible polygon faces of a road to the dozens to hundreds of visible polygons of a complex mesh per meter and you suddenly tank out lower end processors and consoles.

As a PCMR player, I say abolish the limit as well, but I know I’ve got more power than several ps4’s combined and it won’t bother me nearly as much as the console players.


Ps5 all the way hahahah

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All I want for Xmas is to not have to click mass craft 1 billion times on console during a gaming session.

Lol :joy:


I’d love to see a better process for sovereign planets. Mainly the end result of your biome selection being unknown till you step foot on it only to find it’s terrible. My wife and I went through the process 5 or 6 times before we had one that met our expectations.


Think my top pressing QoL Suggestions for this game…

From the unreleased update… add the option for Compacted Oort, to be used as a more powerful fuel… having to log every 4 days to refuel a portal network ( for the past 2+ years now … ) is getting hairy :slight_smile:

Allow us to center the inventory / chest panels so they don’t open on the furthest right all the time. Now for anyone on a ultrawide screen that plays boundless a lot… how smoothly can your eyes jump to the right… compared to the same distance to the left ? :-p

The ingame chat system is a disaster and well always was… especially the guild / private messages… since they can take up to 15mins to deliver sync if you are in a lot of guilds, on multiple characters, with many on friends list… the whole round robin just becomes considerably long… often results in just writing on discord instead. ( oh and the annoying friends list cap of 250 :smiley: fills quickly thanks to steam friends syncing ALL characters of a friends account to your friends list ingame )

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