Monumental suggestions

I second this! 39 sovereigns just to get all t6 planets to land off houches…never again

if that happens ill send you a spoodle

When I think of sanctum reimagined I think of a player lobby where you land with other players from around the world. A large area where you can watch, interact with all the main things in game like go to the food shop and read up about everything or you can play around with using things like chisels, snipers ect. Kinda like a mini game in the game.

It would be a great way to teach new players everything they need before jumping into the server.

Blueprints :eyes::crossed_fingers:


ik I had an idea like this from a dream a while ago
but you get to build your own ships
make this a thing, but let it fit in with the theme of Boundless

again if you use a keyboard you can at least delegate that to a big ol spacebar to press.
i also agree though that a Mass Craft All button would be super nice to have. essentially using as many resources as you had to make as much as possible

Exciting news! I believe this was the absolute best outcome for Boundless.

Now, regarding the topic at hand, I have a few suggestions. I’ve played over 2000+ hours and tackled every aspect of the game with some success except for farming, mainly because it’s grindy, boring and not worth the time it takes since I’m too rich and too old for that.

Connectivity: Boundless has a rather persisting problem when it comes to reconcile multiple connections, some might have experienced it as a bit of lag or the imposibility to connect, this is specially important when an elite wildstock is charging in your general direction. And also seems important for a game that’s essentialy multiplayer.

Everything art: New models and items might go a long way, such as clothing, critters, decorations, etc. considering this was the first thing to go. Except for the shield and sword update that never came, Boundless hasn’t had anything new in a long time.

Market crash: Since game economy relies entirely on players, it might be a good idea to revamp how to get basic forged items or to do the same with forging in general, maybe a sound idea along this lines could be to simplify the obtention of low tier forged boons, which are the least demanded and to keep some kind of difficulty for the “good stuff” to be made. At this point I think we all have suffered the lack of forged stuff, even in medium quality. Having this side of Boundless a bit less dependant on sheer “God of The Forge Super Active Player” might be an improvement.

New sights: Exploring and appreciating the sights is one of Boundless fortes, maybe introducing a bit more of variety just to keep the “wow” fresh might go a long way.


I get a lot of pain from repetitive actions especially in my fingers and wrists from things like clicking repeatedly (gaming can be hard), so I kinda think of mass crafting as more of an accommodation instead of general qol (I mean it is that too), but like my mom is in her 70s I can’t imagine it felt good for her when crafting in boundless either. This is absolutely something that needs to be added, I shouldn’t be in pain because I want to make a bunch of items or avoid doing so because I know it’ll suck later :frowning:


Maybe scrap the prestige system. I don’t see that it adds any value to the game.

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I kind of like the prestige system, and for the players who like seeing random numbers improve when they build stuff, it is a motivator for that kind of player.


The fact that it is often abused, exploited, and optimized suggests that it adds value to some people. I imagine a decent portion of the community would collectively riot if it were removed. Personally, I feel like it like many systems simply need rebalance and maybe a revision of its core mechanics. Originally it was designed to be a way to determine much more than simply whos at the top of a leader board. Global tax rates and other governmental properties were going to be tied to it, but now it is a bit hollow.


Always thought that it needs improving though.
Like - Prestige as it is from blocks and chiselling blah blah.
Reputation - Prestige modified by activity of the place (number of players with beacons in settlement, number of transactions in shops, number of crafted items within the settlement, footfall generated, number of active portals, number and level of guild buffs active etc.).

It could be a modifier - between 0.1 and 2.0 let’s say. Lowest (0.1) for just a ghost town of buildings with little visits, no shop or much crafting done. Highest (2.0) for a settlement with busy shops (buying and selling), a lot of visitors and footfall, many active portals, guild centres with continuously ran buffs, a lot of crafting.

That way 20 million prestige bomb city with little activity would show well below 10 million Reputation. And a 5 million Prestige settlement that’s active could have 10 million Reputation.
The difference between Prestige and Reputation would tell people how active settlements are.

Such system could encourage creating active settlements, built around actual tasks, activities and offers to community rather than going for pure prestige where high tier blocks can be dumped around without even trying to build anything.

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I love checking in on my own numbers too.
It acts like a task master for me but at the end of the day my gameplay wouldn’t change if it was removed

I agree 100% that the system feels hollow as @Havok40k said . Wish there was a way to tie in some rewards that would encourage community engagement


This might be able to be abused even more then spamming random blocks. Number of Transactions from unique Players/Accounts per day or per week would be better.

As a soloist, I am very bias against guild related buffs and bonuses, I also think it promotes joining guilds for the wrong reason but that is a topic for another thread, Anyways Guilds shouldn’t have any effect Prestige/Reputation.

Everything else you say about Reputation looks ok.


If prestige went away they would have to figure out the impact to trophies/achievements. There is one for a specific amount of prestige and there are others that require completing several tasks, some of which rely on prestige.

Returning to game I realize I’m an extreme hoarder…. I had started on PS4 at release and finally quit about a year ago. So needless to say there are a lot of items…. Not sure why I need 80k tallow??? That’s just embarrassing for me… (yes the minter will address this when I’m settled again).

Anywho… I realize there are other factors to consider but the one thing I see that may not be a huge to implement and may have some immediate value is storage.

The reclaim system storage is absolutely brilliant. It’s compact, discretely organized, searchable and holds an immense volume.

A lot of our builds are ridiculously over sized and sprawling, partially to accommodate all of the storage requirements in relation to complex blocks. (Of course there are other reason for sprawl). Not only the excessively plotted land claims, but this must also eat up server capacity.

My question; Is it possible to incorporate the reclaim system design into our in-game system storage?

I’m guessing I’m somewhere in the 2000+ storage blocks and another 500 signs with enough blocks properly spaced to fit it all together and organize. I typically build a large factory with detailed storage, then also a separate block storage building with all colours discretely organized, a large crop farming area with organized crop/utility storage, a goo farm with organized storage, and also a combustion, and kindling farm with storage there as well.

The ability to have maybe even just 10 blocks to store everything would significantly reduce my footprint on the planet I’m building on.


The release video used footage from Early Access.

Oh right, another thing I really wanted to see: secret doors. I love the idea of hidden rooms and having doors disguised as common objects like shelves would be nice.


I was referring to the one that had the brief clip of the titans… maybe that wasn’t the release vid… I should have been more specific… my bad