Monumental suggestions

Make beacon expiration proportionate to prestige. Current system has pushed many players from the game when they find their long time work reclaimed because they forgot to refuel. Also makes worlds sooo sooo empty though there were many highly populated areas.


I have the same request, and have thought that perhaps aoe forged hand tillers with a slot like an augment slot for putting the seeds into, might work, using the mechanics already in use in the game.


Not sure if it’s been suggested but a button that will align you perfectly straight for block placement. This would be very useful.


Add a navigation icon for active meteors. Sometimes, if the terrain is rough or if you’re running through a forest, we can lose sight of a meteor. (Possibly add one for dormant meteors too, so everyone can have the farsight ability.)


To add to this please make it so a meteor can’t magically zoom through pancakes on galan…

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That would be great for farming too.

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This is something I know wouldnt happen but feel would be amazing.

Introduce a new way of hunting. Atleast a new way to the hunt. The way it would work is how some games do dungeons or events. You sign up to attend at a specific time. As long as you are logged in at that time you will automatic teleport to the destination the group is meeting at via a portal opening Infront of you.

Step 1. Player wants to lead a hunt, player purchases a time slot (via coins). Next the players that want to attend this hunt pays to join the hunt (via community tab), which a portion of that coin then goes to the hunt leader, cost dependant on tier of hunt. (creating a business opportunity/career this would also work as a coin sink, I know I know).

Step 2. Time for hunt. Portal opens and it teleports you to destinated beacon (which is chosen by leader at time of purchasing the time slot).

Example: If player chooses a beacon at TNT hub that’s where the portal will open to.

Once the hunt is finished the leader is paid their portion of the proceeds.

(I thought of this in about 10 mins and just threw it up from my brain onto this forum so pick at it as you wish.)

Also fix it so tier 6+ planet hunts are better than tier 3-4 planets for the love of everything.



Basic beacon fuel lasts for 1 month, improved for 2, and greater for 4 months. If you can’t take 5 minutes to log in and refuel, then perhaps you need to manage your time better.


You would be surprised just how little time Capitalism leaves some people in the USA. Plus the amount of extra stress it and other things cause for some people, Mistakes are likely to be made. You can’t always blame it on poor time management. You don’t know what other people may have to juggle in their life.


I would actually like to see an auto renewal service for Gleam Club. I may not live a busy life but I am forgetful. Having a system to charge automatically would be a good quality of life. Plus I have over 50+ beacons. I would cherish the ability to sign up for every 30 day renewal. I feel it would be good for sovereign planets also an auto renewal planet fuel. A system you would opt in to.


Nice ideas , but IT must be possible to have several i call IT Events to Happen at the Same time then IT would be very intressting.

AS IT comes to the loot and the actial Difference between T3 and T6 its that you get Same amount of oort and Just more and and all moob Drops on T6 .
Would be nice to get more oort on T6 Runs AS benefit so raise the actual drop of oort on T6 planets.
This would Help the Community to get them more attractive and more stuff for Forgeing Like Hopper cores would be on the market because Like IT IS now the Mats are getting more and more rare…you See IT in B.U.T.T. prices getting Higher and Higher for Forge stuff.



Let us create mobs… that way we can “plant “ mobs in our created dungeons….earning coin with each visit :two_hearts:


There are more tree types that need a little TLC :wink:

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No matter how many times that argument is brought up, it’s always wrong.

First of all beacon expiration was not a thing before there was a huge influx of new players that did first steps and left the game for good. Which in turn created stupid situations where you couldn’t find a decent chunk of free space to plot without bumping into a beacon with crafting table and a couple of blocks layed down.

Fuel system was first intended to erase those 0 prestige claims and free up land for actual builds.

But system also proved to be a disastrous implementation. There were cities wiped out because of player inactivity. Now if someone (city builders collectively) invested 1000s if not 10000+ hours into creating something in my game, I’d take better care of it. This is just stupid, disrespectful towards players, makes worlds empty, destroys works of art and makes Boundless universe less interesting. There is 0 benefit in current system which deletes everything indiscriminately. It actually hurts the community and game value overall.

Once a certain prestige threshold is hit beacons should just be a permissions system, nothing more.


The hunt idea for time slots and what not was a rough description. There could be multiple slots for the same time and date, which if population grows would be a good idea.

In regards to hunt drops. Higher tier hunts need to give more of everything. They used to give more oort than lower tier hunts until they ruined them with seed drops. The introduction of seeds in a meteor was the worse way possible to add them into the game.

I’m pretty sure someone made an excel document about the negative changes that seeds brought to higher tier hunts after they were added to meteors.

New char creation: Grid for colors; which will make it much easier than clicking or scrolling through all 255 colors.


Not sure if already listed above (to lazy to check): Unlock all colors for all blocks.


Ah, yes, color chart would be awesome.

Not sure I would like this… there are events that can get some colors, which makes them mysteriously rare. I understand that some folks would want the whole palette… but it might hurt the system to do that… I mean what would goo be for? Why gleambow hunt? Just thoughts.