Moral Question- to meat eaters

this is a big thing i have been looking at anyway here is the question

  • If you could only eat the animals you were willing to kill, would it change what you eat?

my answer is no as i belief if you are willing to eat the animal you should be willing to kill the animal.


NO, i would kill and eat my own animals - its part of survival we as humans have forgotten and industry has made us into pansies by not making us see and appreciate the sacrifice animals make for us


I’m with Jenn. I figure if other animals can eat other animals, why can’t I eat animals?


No,I would murder everything I see if I had to eat it.


Good choice so far people

i literally get mad if people leave a tonne of meat due to the fact a animal was killed for it and your just wasting a life

I’m already a butcher, I handle carcasses regularly. Slaughtering my food is just one extra step to preparing it for my table than I already do.


I might eat less because I can’t stand the smell of some raw flesh. Bit killing wouldn’t be a problem for me. Only the preparation would.

But then I’d just kill a bigger animal so I wouldn’t have to do it as often. I mean one cow has a lot of meat for one person^^

Maybe I’d even tinker with machines to automate the process. Automation is great^^
Or I’d just leave the butchering to havoc :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think I’d eat LESS meat, but I’d still kill to eat a chicken or a lamb every now and then.

My experience is that fowl and fish are the easiest to prepare by ones self, mostly because of the size.


Honestly,I wish I could just hunt and kill a cheeseburger,that’d make life a lot easier.


Ok you got a point there.
How hard would you say is it to learn how to prepare a bigger animal like a cow, learning by doing?


I suppose it vastly depends on what you intend to do with it. Beef, for example spoils from the outside-in. If you want to keep it for personal use, it’s best to keep the cuts as large “primal” cuts, which is simple to learn. If the beef is for market, you would cut it down to package size cuts that can then be sliced or trimmed at the market’s packing room for steaks or roasts. In the end, most all butchers learn via apprenticeship in one fashion or another. My particular market buys primal cuts, breaks them down into large but more manageable package cuts, then cuts steaks to the customer’s specifications.

Also, don’t ask what goes into the sausage…

I have many friends who raise their own cattle for their own beef. One of whom usually names them “cheeseburger” or “ribeye” as pet names. They would hand feed them apples or oats. Kinda twisted imho, but they swore that if you treat them like pets, the quality of the beef was better. The food names were a reminder that these are not pets, but food.


Taking your fist life is always the hardest. All the more so if you get attached to them. Honor the life you’ve taken, dont let it go to waste. For what you consume becomes apart of you.
Also what does go into sausage. I always presumed parts of the gestational track and some edible parts of the body.


Its not a matter of moral, its a matter of survival. If someone is hungry enough they will eat things they would have never even considered edible (sometimes even other people!:walking:). At that point the survival part of your brain takes over and you are not really picky about what keeps you alive. In today’s society most of us have the luxury of not having to kill what we eat, that’s someone else’s job. But in a wilderness environment it would be a different story.


Of course. I don’t eat meat just because it’s made convenient for me to do so. I eat meat because it’s awesome. It would be hard to kill at first, but I would get used to it. The preparation is hard work s well, but if you’re hungry you’re hungry.

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no :kissing_heart:

Nope, that’s how you summon a Wendigo.


I thought the tide become a Windego?

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