More glass forms, a new clay recipe and more variants

Dyed cloth

Well, now we havn’t any application for coloured cloth. And any application for colours of ink havn’t too.

But I have humble idea for using this coloured items both: to dye cloth by ink. And use cloth, bleached cloth and dyed cloth for craft coloured torches (not coloured flame as suggested by Zouls early).

Below a crafting scheme of dyed cloth and torch. This not required in new assets: you can use a white cloth as bleached and darken cloth’s model as dyed.

And another picture called to illustrate tinted torch:

It’s just decorative element and not has colourful flame. Cloth of any colours burn the same way.

Second hand torches

I think it’s a good idea to add alternate crafting receipt for torch: basic torch + cloth. Sometimes it’s easier to dig gems rather than tallow for new torches. To make new torches from old used basic torches possibly will be relevant.