[Mu Lyra] --[T7 - Savage Umbris Exoworld]-- [Inactive]

--------------------[:earth_africa: World Details]--------------------
ID : 2271
Name : Mu Lyra
Type : Umbris
Tier : T7 - Savage
Atmosphere : Lvl 7 Caustic (5 levels)
Size : 3km (34 Regions)
Liquid : β–² Water | β–Ό Lava
Region : US East
------------------[:compass: Distance Details]------------------
42 blinksecs from Shedu Tier
Warp Cost : 3400c
---------------------[:stopwatch: Time Details]---------------------
Appeared January 1, 2021 3:30 PM
Last until January 6, 2021 3:30 PM

Blocks Colors

: New Color to this date
: Can be obtained by Recipe/Transmutation
: Obtained on Homeworld (clickable)
: Sovereign Selectable Color
>= 0 : Exo Exclusive last occurrence in Days

∟ - Gleam - 254 Hot Orange -

∟ - Igneous - 14 Dark Orange - Gloviathosa
∟ - Metamorphic - 20 Night Orange - Gloviathosa
∟ - Sedimentary - 254 Hot Orange - Gloviathosa

∟ - Ancient Trunk - 254 Hot Orange - Biitula
∟ - Lustrous Trunk - 42 Dark Mustard - Minorengle
∟ - Twisted Trunk - 75 Rose - - 38

∟ - Exotic - 254 Hot Orange -
∟ - Lush - 32 Hot Tan -
∟ - Waxy - 71 Deep Fuchsia -

∟ - Clay - 21 Shadow Orange -
∟ - Peaty - 43 Shadow Mustard -
∟ - Silty - 11 Strong Fuchsia -
∟ - Mud - 22 Shadow Red -
∟ - Ash - 11 Strong Fuchsia - Finata
∟ - Gravel - 28 Silk Orange - Gloviathosa
∟ - Sand - 13 Dark Red -

∟ - Barbed - 254 Hot Orange -
∟ - Gnarled - 41 Strong Mustard -
∟ - Verdant - 11 Strong Fuchsia -

∟ - Growth - 78 Red - 38
∟ - Ice - 28 Silk Orange -
∟ - Glacier - 28 Silk Orange -
∟ - Mould - 43 Shadow Mustard -
∟ - Sponge - 16 Dark Fuchsia -
∟ - Tangle - 30 Hot Sepia -
∟ - Thorns - 17 Shadow Fuchsia -

∟ - Cloneflower - 55 Deep Turquoise - Lamblis
∟ - Gladeflower - 244 Deep Viridian -
∟ - Ghostflower - 31 Deep Mustard -
∟ - Spineflower - 240 Strong Slate -

∟ - Desert Sword - 240 Strong Slate -
∟ - Oortian’S Staff - 239 Strong Azure -
∟ - Rosetta Nox - 34 Deep Yellow - Xa Frant
∟ - Spineback - 241 Strong Turquoise - Circarpous I
∟ - Stardrop - 72 Warm Fuchsia -
∟ - Traveller’S Perch - 253 Deep Orange -
∟ - Trumpet Root - 25 Hot Cherry -
∟ - Twisted Aloba - 24 Deep Red - Alder

∟ - Branch Funnel - 43 Shadow Mustard - Lasaina
∟ - Clustered Tongue - 252 Strong Orange -
∟ - Glow Cap - 24 Deep Red - Antar VI
∟ - Mottled Tar Spot - 252 Strong Orange -
∟ - Tinted-Burst - 24 Deep Red -
∟ - Weeping Waxcap - 41 Strong Mustard -


Initial Resources

------------[Embedded World Resources]------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
1Soft Coal Seam3,770,92033.48%102.29
2Medium Fossil Seam1,698,36615.08%46.07
3Large Fossil Seam1,436,59112.76%38.97
4Coal Seam1,305,38511.59%35.41
5Ancient Tech Component Seam1,145,46310.17%31.07
6Silver Seam580,9515.16%15.76
7Gold Seam345,7353.07%9.38
8Hard Coal Seam326,0032.89%8.84
9Ancient Tech Device Seam322,0482.86%8.74
10Titanium Seam264,2652.35%7.17
11Umbris Seam46,2960.41%1.26
12Amethyst Seam9,8560.09%0.27
13Emerald Seam9,5370.08%0.26

--------------[Surface World Resources]--------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
2Basic Boulder83,60922.28%2.27
4Beanstalk Boulder22,6756.04%0.62
5Boulder Tower20,7045.52%0.56
6Combustion Fraction12,4943.33%0.34
7Desert Sword8,9732.39%0.24
8Twisted Aloba8,9592.39%0.24
9Tapered Boulder8,1152.16%0.22
10Kindling Mass8,0182.14%0.22
11Oortian's Staff7,7792.07%0.21
12Boulder Ring5,9001.57%0.16
13Tuber Plant5,6061.49%0.15
14Tinted-Burst Fungus5,5651.48%0.15
15Starberry Vine4,2481.13%0.12
16Weeping Waxcap Fungus3,8691.03%0.10
17Trumpet Root3,7521.00%0.10
18Mottled Tar Spot Fungus3,6280.97%0.10
19Glow Cap Fungus3,5120.94%0.10
20Clustered Tongue Fungus3,2550.87%0.09
21Stardrop Plant2,7170.72%0.07
22Rosetta Nox2,0250.54%0.05
23Boulder Chip1,6460.44%0.04
24Traveller's Perch5450.15%0.01
25Branch Funnel Fungus4030.11%0.01



Secret’s out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
got on the planet first 2min after it appearing, busy mapping the exo rn.

Will have location tokens and atlases soonTM

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New Grass colors?

strong fuchisa verdant grass
hot orange barbed grass
strong mustard gnarled grass

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Strong Fushy O.O

Thankyou Koku-chan

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99c Atlases and free location tokens available at my shop in Brown Town on FInata. Shop to your left at the end of the main mall hallway.
Accessible through TNT Megahub, EZPZ and more.

Good luck mining umbris :slight_smile:

Gotta thank @james for rewarding me for sitting on the platform above TNT shedu tier hub for HOURS looking for the umbris exo to spawn. Spawned it right next to Shedu Tier for me to be on it within 2 minutes of it spawning xD

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OP updated with world scan info for colors. Angellus is aware that there is an issue with the β€œcomparison” feature for colors but is currently unable to work on it so it will be broken for now.


Completed 99c atlases and free location tokens in the TNT Shedu Tier hub for easy access when heading to the Exo via the TNT Megahub in case you forget to bring yours.

Screenshot 2021-01-02 083200

Pictures of resources in atlas and various locations

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