Multi-box and Multi-char gameplay

Unfortunately boundless doesn’t do this. They do bandaids.

To the OP, in my opinion all of your scenarios are legitimate.

All OK except perhaps the last one which is borderline botting

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This failed miserably in runescape, it’s pretty easy to make bots pass a test like that and in the end it only hinders the real players. If they brought in a full blown google captcha it’d probably work, but if one of those pops up when you’re being chased by wildstock good luck :smiley:


This would instantly make me stop playing. Nobody wants to do verification every x minutes/hours/whatever arbitrary unit of time. I’ve had a strong opinion on other issues, with regards to immersion. This would totally take me out of it.

I’m fully against botting. But that’s not the solution.


I know we should try and we can’t compare one game to another game, just because it failed in another game doesn’t mean it will fail here. I don’t mind having it added and see how we go from there

you would not stop thats just lies lol
And correct noone wants to but we have too thats just part of the game protection so I’d say add it see how it goes and if it fails its easy to remove, but it won’t fail

Human psychology is the same not matter what game you play, it drove lots of legit players away and didn’t help with botting, I don’t see how it’d be different here. Bots aren’t stupid, simple bot-deterrant stuff will only drive away the “script kiddies”. The example from runescape: they had some really advanced stuff like 10(?just a guess, only remember there being lots) different mini-games you had to solve periodically to get back to the world, not just “what’s 2+2” questions or number combinations.


No. I can guarantee you i’d stop. There are so many problems with this, i don’t even know where to start. Having something pop up as a verification would be extremely annoying, distracting and punishing if you accidently hit the wrong button.


I’m not talking about the super duper advanced just a clear

Just a random time popup box with
Hello are you still here?
YES/NO and they swap sides randomly

But I do get what your coming from that must be annoying.

Yea alright I feel your pain against it.but I would not mind, if you do mind yeah ok thats fine too :slight_smile:

And what I’m saying, if bots have no trouble solving complex minigames, why would they be baffled by a prompt with two buttons? There’s more negatives than positives, the only stuff it’d stop are the “rubberband your controller” types of botters, while driving away people by annoying legit players.


I don’t do it but rubberband your controller myself I don’t see any harm in that its a but stupid if u keep doing it but if you been eating spicy tacos u know it would come in handy for the crappy times lol. Anyway yeah ok I’m fine with anything just sharing what solved it in most games I have played.
Other then that I’m probably the only person on the whole community that doesn’t matter and could not care whatever the game brings i will just adapt myself to it and find myself a way for enjoyment

Wait wait wait wait wait
You can do that?! Playing on two characters at the same time on the same Boundless account?

'cause I see quite often people multi-boxing X characters on WoW, but they have to pay X monthly sub to do it, so in the eyes of Blizzard, that’s ok. Like, about two months ago, I saw a flock of druids in bird-forms all harvesting plants like robots, and that caused the zone to always be out of plants. But that was allowed by the game.

So IF you told me "yeah, someone uses two Steam Accounts and two Boundless accounts (meaning he paid 80€ for it), I’d be like “well, nothing wrong with that”.
But if you can do it without having to pay a second Boundless account, and if the devs don’t take action on that…
Sign me up! Daddy needs more bones for his throne of b- uh… to make glue. Yeah. Glue. Nothing else.

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I have multi boxed 5 toons back pre-2010 wow but was usually only 2 or 3,for a while…just because it was kinda cool and made for easy leveling.
never seen the need for it in this game and never will. probably.

So this whole thing of botting/multi-boxing is rediculous. Every mmo I have played has had people with bots most were people trying to take the grind out of particular parts of said game. The other portion were gold farmers. While I use to to take a hardline stance against botting I see that it does stimulate they economy. The more they are farming resources the more resources are available in which keeps prices in check. I mean when a raw resource is higher priced then end game things there is something wrong. Hopper cores, Roadrunner Feathees, Beans, etc… With that said who cares how someone else plays the game is it affecting you negatively? Probably not!!! I encourage the devs to look at the people complaining so much because I feel if you have so much time to wander 50+ planets to police players to see if they are botting or multi-boxing maybe you are what’s wrong in the game and the forums!!! This is yet another topic people are forcing the devs to address and take away from expanding the game.

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I dunno, when you hate hunting as much as I do, if there is a way to basically get X time the amount of loot while only really playing one character, because you have like one or two (or more) other characters hanging in afk-mode around…

That actually explains it! I’ve been in some hunts where I was a bit annoyed seeing some players sitting in a corner while others were doing the work. Now I’m suspecting they were alts of someone in the hunt who wanted to get twice as much loot.

Also a little side note most companies that have tried to stop botting have failed miserably as they just make the bot makers hide it better.

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A) a bot can beat that easily
B) I don’t think I would play if this were implemented


You can open a warp to an exo and run 2-3 alt’s through before it closes, to save on exo warp costs if you want more inventories.

You can’t use both simultaneously.

I don’t really see this as an exploit.


Because I always wanted to play a mmo or any game with pop ups. If they did put this in I would quit.