Munteen market?

Does munteen have any communities?

ring planets tend to be a place for fortified bases for hunting and mining rather than larger settlements; there are a few bigger builds around close to strategical resources


I only know about this build:

But there is some recently active people near this site:

And you mostly find people whos hunt for animals and gleam near jeffs portal hub with some builds around it (the 2 place I mentioned above are relatively close to the portal hub too). But no real community settlement I know about.

Anyway if you go to munteen, you too free to use my station:

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My build is very close from there too. It has a portal to my main settlement on Therka and to Therka Market from there.


I’ve been expanding the roads at Miners Bluff, so it’s becoming “settlement ready” if anyone wants to join us!

Be aware though, that this is a higher tier world and creatures are likely to be harder to defeat (especially once the difficulty gets ramped up in the coming weeks).

All I ask is that you keep builds no bigger than 3 plots high from ground level, and leave room for others along the roads (so no more than 2x2 plots wide). If you want to build bigger on the outskirts, you can… we’ll just extend the roads out to you :wink:

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Miners bluff is expanding by one Noob, lol.

Currently planning a build in my head. May need to do some level grinding a bit to get some more plots, plus getting materials. Stretch has a decent portal network setup so getting to adjacent planets is quick and easy.

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since Im only over a ridge from you near the cemetary shall we think about building a road between us and inviting more people to build along?


I’ll check it out. I haven’t found the creatures to be overly hard to kill at this point, but i guess that could change in the next update.

yeah - possibilities are boundless ;p now with vitality and hp regen we are hard to kill; more monsters on the way though and some balancing; plus introduction of all the elemental effects from creature attacks - they will be able to wipe the immortality effect we have now :wink:

Sounds like a good plan to me! Better to go around the monument place though so we can continue to farm it for blocks :wink:

no problem as a straight line between us doesnt go through altars; we will make it somehow; next time I have longer session I will pop in to mine and see how I can lead the road