My journey to 50, hits/misses, and why I'm mostly done

I just hit level 50, and wanted to summarize my thoughts on journey.

It has been fun, but the fact that my character will never, ever improve after 50 makes me really unlikely to continue beyond the occasional drop in to fuel a beacon so my home doesn’t regen. I have zero interest in leveling alts. I feel like I’ve already got my $250 worth (Pioneer), and am happy to have supported continuing dev.

Professional computer security nerd, former game designer from old-school pen and paper RPGs, over a decade in the same raiding guild starting in EQ 1 and transitioning to WoW (we called it quits at Panderia). I’m pretty much over MMOs unless it’s something that I can enjoy mostly solo. I’ve used Minecraft as mindless stress release since it first released. Huge fan of Impressions’ city builders, Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld and the like.

The Journey
It has taken me roughly 10 weeks and 150 hours to hit 50. Fifteen hours/week in an MMO puts me squarely in the serious casual band IMO (Everquest 1 and WoW at soooo much more time from my life).

At no point did I feel like it was a grind. The big caveat behind that is that I like mining and building. A huge percentage of my xp came from unlocking achievements. At the time I hit 50, I have the #19 build on Solum, done completely solo, accepting no outside gifts of tools or materials. If you aren’t into that, then yes, I can see the game will be grindy as hell.

Things I Liked

  • The graphics are gorgeous.

  • I like the player community. I only went on hunts because gem mining is broken, but I had a good time on them nonetheless. Moebius was incredibly friendly and helpful early on (scaring the hell out of me when he tracked me down in a cave on day 4 or 5 as well), and his marketplace is where I made mid-six figures in sales, without which I would have had a harder time surviving hunts until I’d done a few and could stop buying tools from Eld’s shop.

  • I love exploring the cave systems on different worlds. Adding monster spawns down there was, IMO, a great idea.

  • I think the crafting system is well designed overall.

  • I love the fact that storage shows what’s being stored without having to open something up.

  • Devs, you are awesome, accessible and responsive. I really feel like I’ve helped the process, even if only a little. If everyone running early access games was this good, they’d have a much better reputation.

  • Grapples are fun.

  • Chiseling is awesome – I should do it more considering the number of points I’ve dumped into it.

  • The fact that you’re going to support private servers. Depending on how much control I have over the server, maybe that will solve some of the following problems.

Things I Disliked

  • I’ve already mentioned the #1 at top – I’m staring at sooooo many skills that I still want, but are so crazy expensive that it’s ridiculous (warp distance increase, shout, many others). If I could continue to slowly earn skill points, it would be one thing. But just learning to use chisels properly and craft all the recipes ate a ridiculously huge % of my available points, for instance. If you’re looking for pain points that cause people to quit games, lack of character progression is a big one. The number of new plots you earn right now, relative to building sizes, isn’t much of an incentive.

  • The fact that you can’t keep your settlement from being absorbed against your will is the #2 complaint. This is a griefer’s dream setup – the fact that most of the EA players are cool and avoid this means nothing. If the game mechanics allow it, some jerks will make it their sole mission in game to absorb unwilling victims.

  • Having to spend plots on floating bits of foilage is also a pain. A good 5% of my plots are there solely to deal with floating foilage after I’ve destroyed the actual tree trunk. IMO, trees in reserved wild plots should not regen once the base is destroyed and plotted.

  • Once there are more planets, I think there needs to be a way to use your plot count multiple times. Maybe every 10-20 relevels after 50 unlocks an additional planet slot where you can use your entire plot count again.

  • There’s too much lava both above and underground. Not every outer world needs to be crisscrossed with lava lakes.

  • There’s no way to rotate a block easily. Getting patterns to line up how I want required contortions, temporary walls, and other nonsense that should be doable with a mouse wheel – particularly since you charge points for block rotation abilities.

  • Too much verticality in the worlds. Running around for hunts is pretty much nothing but scaling cliffs, then immediately climbing/falling/jumping down, interspersed with having to jump over or bridge over lava.

  • I miss meteors on starting worlds. There was a huge feeling of accomplishment the first time I soloed a meteor on Solum, it’s sad that people won’t get that. I do, however, feel that there needs to be some sort of mob leashing (or just don’t spawn Cuttletrunks) on the starter worlds. A flying mob chasing a low-level player across the whole planet is a bit unfair IMO.

  • I don’t like the fact that water isn’t transparent across the surface layer.

  • I think coal plays too much of a part in everything (as one player put it, “Coal is life”). Spark costs are too high for decorative rock, for instance.

  • It would be nice if there were more interesting things to discover while caving – abandoned temples like on Munteen surface, for instance.

  • I know lack of mined gems right now is a bug, but it’s an annoying one.

Going Forward
As I mentioned, I’m not horribly interested in continuing to play. Every time I re-level and get nothing but new plots, it will depress me – especially since I know there will be a world wipe.


I pretty much agree with everything you’ve mentioned … my character hit level 50 last week but I did decide to create another alt and I have been feeling the grind …admittedly you do level up pretty fast for the first 15 levels but that just gets you the basics in terms of skill points, it’s when you can begin to specialise that the real grind kicks in and half the time I end up going back to my first character just to be able to do anything that I need to do, I then end up using the alt for the more mundane aspects which is a lot slower but I need the xp to eventually be able to distribute the points to hopefully create a specialised alt … just seems a pretty long winded way to be able to feel like your still progressing rather than stagnating … yes I can just buy stuff off other players etc but I’m one of those people who wants to try all aspects of this amazing game … i haven’t thrown in the towel just yet and hopefully some updates will address some of the issues


I too would prefer to commit to one character. I feel like I am spreading myself thin working with 3 to be involved in all aspects of the community like building and social hunting. But I can’t do it with one and have to keep switching between them trying to get my low level alt up to hunting standards just so I can hang out with the group. :frowning:


Not to say that I wouldn’t use alts at all, because they have their uses, especially when I can change their appearance etc. But I would prefer to focus on leveling one main character, and not feel left out because I chose to main as a builder and not a hunter. (Note: not that any of the hunters has made me felt left out, they are a great group of people, I just feel useless and slow.)

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nice post - thank you.
I agree with almost everything you’ve put, particularly the need for way more skill points per character, ability to level beyond 50 and most of all - Gem mining is broken!!


I nearly found myself in this point, but found through utilisation of the different rewards for Feats for getting my Alt characters going without too much grind for levelling. I found by utilising things i had already done with my main char it was much easier to get many of the feats and so level up allot quicker, from then (especially since we can now reset skill points once a week) i was able to start specialising my first Char to mining and gathering, while my first alt did any crafting with what i collected, meaning i gained further xp and Feats without having the slug of using a slow char. This then didn’t take long before i could further specialise this new alt, allowing me to rinse and repeat with my third Alt. but this time having the spoils from a miner and a hunter to craft, so further speeding the process. I now have three lvl 50 chars which removes most the limitations on what skills i can use (though i’m still adapting the skill-set of each). This also gave me a little extra coin to play with to progress my playing further and has given me enough plots to play around with.

More plots would be nice, but it seems to not take too long to accumulate more, and maybe come 1.0 i will invest in an updated package (i hope there will be a way for people to invest further to gain more plots post 1.0). And while there will be a wipe, i am still learning allot of what you can achieve in builds and how to plan this out by making my mistakes prior to release. Plus for me i suppose nothing is really permanent, wipe or no wipe its very relaxing to just roam around mining, or work out a simple voxel build.


Very, very fair assessment. I agree with nearly all of your points.


Wow, @DanBeforeTime has returned


Oops, I forgot one legit occasion where I will continue to play.

Long conference calls.

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I’m always lurking the forums. No one is safe. Bwahahahahaha! :wink:


after you level to 50 you can help out in a comunity
thats builds a city like aquatopia
we have alot off projects just for looks our functional
and always stuff to do around town
as we keep getting plots after 50 i keep expanding it with cool areas and districts
:smile: and you welcome to join


You sir, are 100% correct about everything. Every point you have made is well written and honest. I agree with everything and find myself in this exact position now. Thank you for taking the time to compose this. I couldn’t bring myself to write another long winded post that I feel would just be ignored in the long run.




Building out the community doesn’t really push my buttons, unfortunately. If I’m honest, I’m not a fan of humans as a species…


Eld, I miss you and Lietty and the best shop in the universe, Serenity Valley! Your shop stands are running low.

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I’m not a fan of humans as a species…

And it comes out that @Braindrop really is a cyborg. Hope stuff changes to make you want to play more.


Anxiously read the release notes for 187… and then was sad. Still no progression post-50.

Post 50 content is the ultimate goal but we are making the core game first.


Getting more skill points doesn’t seem like “content”…

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Um, we added more skills points in this update.


Does that mean we will receive more skill points when the update is released or more skill points are required in the skill tree?