Need Tangle, any good farms?

I use a lot of wicker in my build and have run low on tangle. Are there any 3x3 farms ? Or anyone with a 3x3 on a sov that would let me farm it for a day?

Does tangle grow in a compact manner? If so, sign me up :=)


Does it take on the color of the wood or tangle when crafting?

The colour is taken from the wood used.

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on t7 exo it can & does sometimes generate a spot with like 2-4k tangle(per regen),
desert like area with meteorite crater thing
duno if such spots can generate in some biomes on t5/6 sovs?
also i have still arround a 100k in storage&shopstands when you urgently need some

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IIRC there is a Nests biome that generates a bunch of tangle - looks like big rock eggs in nests of tangle. Could be remembering that wrong though.


Yeah, Nests biome is the one. I was told it grows 3-6 thick there, so regen farm compatible. It’s for high-tier, so I couldn’t get it on Chromis I. Not sure if anyone has one, but a recent exo had that biome, but it’s inactive now.


Best reason for @bucfanpaka to roll a new planet :slight_smile:



Ooo any planets up with Nests?


Don’t support her addiction haha


I think some of my sovereigns have that biome. But am on my way to work and can’t look it up until like 8h from now


Too late. :laughing: Rolled one… :grin:

Since I could do a T5 and still pick it, went with that. :slight_smile: Portal will be in Paka’s Diamond Mine in TNT Serp, I’ll post when it is up and put the portal to a Nest area. Just as well as someone asked me about a certain gleam color in a message earlier, I can add that while I’m at it. Though, will be over lava, hehe, oops - went with a Burn to give myself a T5 Burn hunt area again.


rolled also one, had the key since mid december laying around (T6 Topaz)

Portalcon. TNT Cardass Planet “Solada Ursa”
within 100blocks 3 or 4 spots of tangle


Ok, portal open. :slight_smile: Unfortunately, RNG was RNG… should have remembered it heavily favored the Snowy Redwoods and Desert, so got tons of that and not many Nests that I saw. To make it worse, biome merging put thorns all over a few I did see. :frowning: This spot seems ok though, at least better than any others I’ve come across, if I do find better I’ll change it -

On a positive note, it did give a huge area of Island Trees and a nice hunting area with lava (lava your friend with that, since it gives free kills, I like Gleam Spiral with lava nearby for hunting).


My daughter does have a planet with a small amount of nests with tangle. World name Phyusion Feisty. Accessible through TNT Serp hub, once you go through the world portal you then go through the portal that says Phyre Nation gleam ■■■■■ and other resource portals. There you will find portal to the nests tangle and every other resource that planet has. There is also an area set up there with each block, plant fungi and boulder colors for that world.


Typo! World name is Phyusion Frusty

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How do I get to this planet? would love to farm

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From the TNT hub, go through the Serp portal. Off in a corner there to the right, is Paka’s Diamond Mine. Through one of the exits there, there is a row of portals, I put this one on the left end. :slight_smile:

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Found it JUST after I posted :slight_smile: wasn’t going around the corner far enough haha


Phyusion Frusty is right there in same area with Pakas Diamond Mine. The world is loaded with different shades of Taupe colors

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