New Players Q&A (ask away)

I notice a lot of new players have questions about various dynamics of the game so I figured I would make a post for everyone to ask away and get answers from us who have been around a while. There are no stupid questions, and the best place to find the answers are right here (the forums)!


How do you figure out where to buy and sell?

Iā€™m on Angel 1 and many of the request baskets arenā€™t funded and the sales offerings are also sparse. I would assume the more active trading areas are on higher level planets but with the games small population compared to the size of the game itā€™s somewhat overwhelming figuring out where the active areas are.

Gyosha Mall is huge with lots of active players. New Leyden Market on Gellis is very nice as well.

If you have found the Portal Seekers Portal Network, there are lots of shop portals surrounding each hub. You can find some good shops that way.

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Mainly just by exploring the shops through the portal networks. Running around on foot on world to find shops is tough going for sure. I would find the portal network hub on your planet (Portal Seekers or Ultima) and explore the networks through those, you can always warp back home for free. When you find the hub on your planet, save the location to your ā€˜placesā€™ so you can warp back in the future (or open a player portal connecting your base to the hub once you get set up)

Portal Seekers Network - This network is a bit more organic and oort efficient. The hubs connect to other hubs on the nearest planets, they all link together like a chain. The smaller hubs have player portals for people to get to their base/city. The larger hubs have shop portals for shops on that planet around the outside. This network is the best for finding materials and farms since each hub shows what materials/colors are found on that planet and many player portals link to public farms.

Ultima Network - This design is more logical but definitely burns more oort. Each planet has a hub that connects to a main hub. The main hubs are broken out by world server locations (example, the main US East hub connects to all of the worlds hosted on US East servers, no matter the actual distance between the worlds). The main hubs connect to the central Finata hub which is like the capital of the dang galaxy. They have a section of shop portals that connect to many shops, malls, and markets throughout the entire galaxy. Find your way here and explore.

Another way is to simply post to these forums with whatever you want to buy/sell and people will flock to help you out or make a deal.

Iā€™m sure other players have more to add to this too


Thank you for the maps, those are going to be very helpful.

I was going through portals and had no idea where I was in relation to where I had just been. I had found the Portal Seekers Network and now after seeing the maps it makes more sense.

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Your welcome. For portal seekers, pay attention to the white rectangle in the bottom left of the map. those form the ā€˜main stripā€™ of the lower level worlds. running straight down the ā€˜main stripā€™ (out one portal and in the next in a straight line) will take you along that rectangle on the map

is there an efficient way to get buckets of water?

Just got to make the buckets in the workbench and then take them to any body of water and use them

Mass craft the buckets to get best efficiency. If your house is far from water, some people make an out post near a lake for mass filling and storing of water buckets too.

This is AMAZING! :flushed:

My mind is official blown. This looks like a super intricate subway map. OK, now I really need to go explore, thank you!

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I havenā€™t quite figured out how the guild system works. Iā€™ve noticed you can join multiple guilds. Could someone explain how the guild systems work in this game.

To the guild release notes.

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I guess I could have searched for that. Thanks for doing all the work for me.:yum:

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