New races - yes or no?

Just to make sure, the post did not say when they will add new races, just that they will, in the future, at some point :smiley:


yep, i only asked if they will add them :smiley:

I think that was suppose to be strong psychological persuasion lol


Yeah it could’ve been, I’ve just seen things being misunderstood and blown out of proportion later :smiley: Playing it safe, the devs have come out of the cave, don’t want for them to get scared.


Yup… I think with anything a small comment to answer a question is quickly turning into an “announcement and coming in next patch” fevor pitch. We’ve seen this drama play out many times and is one of the major reasons communication is done in a specific careful way.

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Yah I was just joking :sweat_smile:
I’m a bad imp some days.


I choose one of these!
image image image

They’re pretty much all awesome, though!


I know this seems minor ^^ but thank you so much for replying to this thread ^^ some very exciting to look forward too!!


@Jeffrotheswell AND…if it does not happen in the next update as Jeff said then…you know what that means…Blame Jeff!


Is someone trying to touch me inappropriately? :joy: haaahaaa

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Simple question. Pants?


Is someone trying to touch me inappropriately? :joy:

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make your own topic :stuck_out_tongue:


I am wondering, Since we have access to the old “cat” race thats in our folders, what if you replaced the files in your game install, to look like “whatever” race you want and you had someone who could make those files? Would the gam accept our own input? Or would it still reach back to the server for a file ID?

I know when I was part of the modding community on another game years ago, Many didn’t like the new sprites that came out, so the modding community just made a "You can get the benefits of the classes that came out with the skills but look like " – is that an option as a temp?

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The only thing with modding your files is that you will be the only one that can see them. Certain ones like block/character mods could be seen by others, but only if they have the exact same mod installed.



I don’t think there was body paints and headgear when those models were used? So they probably wouldn’t even load, but you can always try.


But like the corrent models, those are there. I could try modifying both, and yeah only I could see them that way-- would make for some interesting screenshots none the less. And if they work properly, would be glad to send them to the devs way. Maybe it can help get them implemented.


I be number 22 ^^

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I picked 22 first… I want to show those wildstocks who’s boss!! lol

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