News: Vote#4 results posted

If the fight is bug enough you can rotate players, it is all a mater of scale. I hope there are different levels of Titans even on the same world.

Well its a fine line too, cause i want a hard fight, what im afraid of it becoming is just a massive zergrush where the sheer amount of players, not their skill, is all that matters.

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This is the option I was voting for.

Personally i would like to see a system where you need 2, 10 man teams in rotation so the titan would cast a massive debuff after a few minutes of fighting (like 90% less hp) forcing that team to run out and the other to run in. something to switch characters, but again its a hard balance as i have said even from the first time they mentioned it, 1 ) is the amount of players for a fight and 2) is how much loot the titan will drop and if it will be enough or too much depending on the playercount.

i would like a 5 man team for a ‘‘normal’’ titan and then have ‘‘ancient’’ titans which are like raidbosses requiring 10-20 people working in sync. another thing i want to see is that if you mess up. you die. no middleground, you have to dodge it and keep yourself alive, but it should have insta kill attacks that if you get hit you are out. was something i widely enjoyed in Wildstar for example, the bosses were insane xD


You could rank beacons by what resources are kept there, but that means you would have to give value to each resource. Alternatively you could place the value in the experienced gained by the collection of the resources, or experience in line with any other game aspect that is involved within your city. I don’t know, maybe it could be based on the economy of the city. Perhaps this will encourage trade, entertainment etc.

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So a simple solution for the devs (in conception, not implementation) is scaling both boss difficulty per player (after a certain number of players…for instance, a boss should probably be as difficult for 5 players as it is for 2, but after a certain number should scale?) and loot.

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I somehow like the idea with player-made cities, but only if everyone has the same taste as me, which probably won’t happen (pretty obvious).

So going from there the choice is stylized developer-made cities that will probably look uniform and decent but perhaps not exactly what I’d want, but they’d probably “fit in”

Or… player-made cities consisting of a mix of castles / hobbitholes / skyscrapers / pineapple-houses and huge sculptures of… male human parts…

Choice isn’t hard. Add some sort of city-major that gets to set “building style rules” with the option to kick out and raze builds that doesn’t follow it, then perhaps I’d vote for player-made capitals. (Or some other solution that gets similar results)

Maybe you still could do. If you get complete control in a dynamic class you could create a mage however you want it. That is if I have got the right end of the stick…

It have been brought up and personally i am a bit against it, i dont think we should ease up the content just because some people refuse to party, the titans most likely wont give a damn if you are 1 or 5 players, it will try to kill you never the less xD

I would say that the non fighters should be able to progress by doing something equally challenging or actually even more time consuming related to what they do. Like (If crafting progression becomes a thing) creating some special kind of items that allows you to go to the next tier or collecting some special materials that allows you to progress that way.

I read major like “Minecraft death”

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I feel like death needs to be expanded on more. Major/Minor are to simplistic to extrapolate what people actually think.

yeah… the questions are waaay too vague, which is why i imagine they took the safe route out

for going to higher tiers, personally i dont think they belong there, cause they will just die, it would also gather up most crafters on the tier 1 worlds making that kinda the ‘‘hub’’ worlds where people build and gather, while the higher up tiers are bases and such for guilds or small camps like that.

I can understand why they would want to though, for example a builder that will build for the guild on higher tiers, however i also mentioned that in the discussion about it, in my eyes the builder should just come fight the titan, if he is building for the guild then he should easily be able to find somebody who will do the titan fight with that handicap.

there you go. expanded XD

[quote=“Zouls, post:78, topic:2067”]
I can understand why they would want to though, for example a builder that will build for the guild on higher tiers[/quote]

Or gatheres like miners and such, and of course if you just want to meet your guild members on the higher levels.

The problem with this is that a lot of titan fights would then include quite a few extremely squishy people that is just there to gain whatever you need to continue.

Yeah I get that but if that is the baseline is Major going to be a spawn penalty? Minor is you respawn 5 ft from your dead body? As good as that description is it lends no aid in categorizing Major and Minor. In the end death is always going to be a very hot topic until it is finalized.

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Let them. hopefully its not fights where you just run up and get the bonus without being in a party with the people. i can understand gatherers and miners, and while they can ofc go around doing that, i still think they should be strong enough to be on the tier, i think its a genius idea to make people kill a titan before they can go up, and its a nice way to both add a goal and a limitation to what tier you are on :smile:

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i think you spawn in your beacon, but yeah death is a hot topic, i think it was 130 posts on the old forums and here it is 160, if you are interested :smile:

i think one thing that could be done was to allow shrines in beacons, meaning that you can tie your soul to a shrine where you will spawn when you die, and then have a sort of money penalty that will gather in the shrine, this would mean that people that set up shrines in very hard areas can get alot of money from people binding their soul to it and dying. just a random thought though.

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Well put! I think the devs should decide where and how big the capital is, and the players can talk about the designs and the devs can ‘okay’ it or moderate it to make sure its good, and then a group can get together to build it!

Theennnnn go play trove bruh :neutral_face:

nothing intense about trove, that game is casual as hell xD