Non-Minecraft Game

To be fair, in terms of pure gameplay oort wouldnt be able to satisfy me as it is now, so i dont think it should be overpraised either, im personally trying to keep a fine line.

i think its a fair point to say that oort is not satisfactory now or not great enough now its just something deep inside me which hates the idea of ‘‘this game is just a clone of this game’’ because if we look at games that way we will never be able to make anything new.

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psst. inappropriate, quick, before ben figure it out

What? I’m just trying to keep our attack dog from slipping his leash :smile:

Did you really just call me a DOG!!!
First,this is my opinion,I already think OO is better than MC. And when the core features are put in,it will be 200x better. So just because you dissagree with my opinion,doesn’t mean you have to do you call me a simple house pet!!!

By the way, it was a hyperbole.

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Voxel sandbox games (Minecraft, Infiniminer, 7DaysToDie, Cube World, Trove, SkySaga, and so on) is an awesome genre, ripe with opportunity for new ideas and configurations. Most of them will start from a similar base (voxel engine, crafting, characters), and then branch off into their own cool direction.

I think there are a lot of similarities between Oort and other voxel sandboxes at this early stage because of that base starting point, but over the next year I think you’re going to be surprised just how different and worthwhile Oort ends up being. We’ve architected the game to allow us to make big, impactful differences long term.

And it’s cool to be compared to MC, it’s a fantastic game that we all love and respect.


Responses like that are a huge reason for me why I support the dev team.


Yes that is why the Devs are awesome… :lester: :purple_heart: :chester:


I see you’re still always being positive. :+1:

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Dang, I just wanted a quick explanation haha