Not a serious suggestion, but I'm would you feel about a complete wipe?

Lots of rules have changed…many more are going to. Everyone playing now started with a different set of rules and expectations, depending on when you started.

So how would you feel if they did a well announced wipe? Say in February?

Would you leave the game or jump on the chance for an even playing field?

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I would leave, only wipe i would be okay with at this point is if they started separate universes for planets you can rent


Noooooooo lol. Im ps4, idc that pc got a head start. No wipe please


A wipe means resetting characters, too, and those of us who’ve spent money would lose our cubits. So, no.


I would love to see a wipe when all new features are ingame like farming, guilds, titans, pvp, unstable planets, higher tiers because with a wipe you dont have your gem or even darkmatter slingbows ready to challenge a titan and it would feel as an race again to be the first to actually beat an titan but as for now no thank you

(not an native speaker)


Good thing I wasn’t serious!


If they announced a wipe, I think the player count takes a dive. Why work your tail off on something that will be going away? I did finish my build in early access but I had spent quite a bit of time on it before the wipe was announced. I do think you get a percentage of players that quit the game. They will quit because of the wipe or because they decided to play other games while waiting for February and decide not to come back.

I would be very disappointed. The developers indicated that we would not see a wipe after the game released. It would be hard to trust them. I would definitely take a break from the game and might or might not check on it again in February.

Edit. It is an interesting question to ask given the state of the game and on going complaints about some players getting a head start.


No playing field will ever be even. Some people simply don’t have the time to dedicate like others do. Having gamed for so long, once you understand the games mechanics it’s easier to streamline what you want to do/succeed in doing if you only have small blocks of time to play but it’ll never be the same as being able to just invest hours at a time during the day or the evening. This game is not friendly in that regard, to its users. To get meaningful progress requires large chunks of time investment.

A wipe would do no good.


Go ahead. Wipe it. I need to spend all my time elsewhere anyway.


No, I’d be done. My tiny group of 3, now 2 have worked so hard to get where we are.

It would just crush my spirit to play.

I honestly feel bad for those it already happened to. That took a lot of willpower and determination on their part.

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As a long time Minecrafter (among other building games— and a career in art), I find starting over to generally be bitter sweet. You lose your current progress, but come back with more knowledge, better decisions to be made, quicker to progress from what you’ve learned, and know what mistakes to avoid. You also build old things new and better.

HOWEVER!.. having put in absurd amount of money and time, chances are I would play after a wipe (assuming all my $$$ was compensated one way or another), but probably drift off to other games much quicker.

Gathered it was just a curiosity question and making a good guess at that the older players would quit.

I wouldn’t blame them, some of them have a superior attitude that they deserve more but most are really quite nice and helpful. They have worked hard to make the cities, beautiful buildings, setting up portal hubs and much more.
To take that away from them would be horrible, insulting, demeaning and crushing to a part of their spirit. They have worked hard, given up a lot of time. Even if you are handicapped, can’t work, retired and this is your form of entertainment for whatever reason, it is just as important to the ones who have done this in their spare time.

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To add my opinion, I think it would be a terrible idea. I just wanted to see people’s reaction to it


I’d be done from the second it was announced.

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I’m entirely indifferent to it.

I started naked and with nothing but a totem a few times before already, so I know perfectly well how to progress back to where I am currently at. And each time I pick up a couple new tricks that make the next time easier and faster.

So, personally, I wouldn’t be thrilled about it but I wouldn’t be outraged either. :slight_smile:

But I enjoy, and am used to, playing survival games in permadeath mode so I suppose I’m desensitized to the feeling of ‘oh my gosh I lost all that progression’.

Some people would frame it as ‘oh my gosh I lost all that time’, but I don’t personally see it that way. Time spent doing something I enjoy is never lost. The progression is secondary to that. :slight_smile:


The moment it’s announced, I’m filling a lawsuit :joy::ok_hand:


The main issue with this being a sandbox MMO that is constantly updated with new changes and features is that it can always introduce new bugs. If those aren’t SQUASHED during the testing phase, it could really screw with the balance of the game. The most important thing is making sure new bugs aren’t entered into the actual game.


Unfortunately I don’t have time to rebuild a new base (my third alt is still beaconless).
I guess I would still play but with a very small build. And will never go for gems and coils,

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lol just powered all my machines and u asking for wipe >.<


I’m not! Lol

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