NOT Another Leaving Thread

:joy: This forced a genuine laugh out of my desiccated soul

(I’m so scared of french people after I committed the double sin of being vegan and unable to speak french in paris :pleading_face:)

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I suggest not going to Maine if ur vegan or atleast not the northern parts but if u do I’d love to have u over for “dinner”
Just joking I honestly don’t care if people are vegan or not



Let’s leave Countries and their silly stereotypes out of the conversations please, as it gets in the way of constructive conversation.


I will say I didn’t even know that was a stereotype
As In i didn’t know people called French cowards

images (3)


for me i do get enough visits still :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I had no idea there were filters on that page :man_facepalming:

It’s not like the UI is inconsistent, I’m just blind apparently.

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That’s nifty.

Are there statistics we can look at to see the number of visitors for each world, and which world get the most visitors?

Tried to reply this topic but was at work… :rofl:

Just wanna say the learning curve is real… I can still remember the time when I tried to hunt mobs on Maryx… after 1h of hunt I found out the mob drops was not even enough to get me 1000c xD… I almost gave up until Code Gleam guys gave me an AOE hammer and some fast brews :stuck_out_tongue: a whole new world opened to me

That being said, if you meet some new players that need help, I’m happy to provide beginner toolsets to give away


@KArios I’m new can I get several T6-T7 sets? k thx…

Seriously though, I could write a nice UI for a nice Tutorial if only I was a dev!


That information is available only to the owner of a sovereign, I think. IDK if it can be shared by any permissions.

So, not really. It would take a concerted effort from the various world owners to update it manually into a spreadsheet or something.

There is some checking/tracking on the public worlds, but it’s harvested info so it’s more “a series of snapshots” than a consistent data source. Also I’m not sure if it tracks sovereign populations whether public or not. Perhaps @Angellus would like to elaborate as he’s built Boundlexx. It offers some charts but I don’t know the URLs.

I think @xyberviri has a tool that polls public world player counts, but I’m not sure what information he stores on that beyond just total count online across all worlds.

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Yeah, I like checking on who visits mine… Hyrule seems pretty popular! :grin:


Wow @bucfanpaka I visited that many times? WOW!!



I’d love a similar addition to regular beacons. Would be nice to see how many unique visitors a beacon gets.


that’s not filtered by recent visitors xD


Hmm, yeah, I just went and checked that and another with that filter on… that’s sad, way lower than I would have thought. :frowning: But good to know though for future decision making.

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exactly, it shows a bit what to let go or not :slight_smile:

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