Not Feeling Well

So, I didn’t used the forum that much, but I do read it daily, and I was actually surprised how friendly this is, as in, it’s super pg-10 and negative posts, even just a bit, are hidden.

I was thinking… meh, I can’t say exactly what is on my mind, but that dose not bother me, being considerate of others and not hurting theyr feelings (at all). I guess it’s cool to have a place like this.

Now I see that excesive moderation and ‘pleasantness’ can be hurtfull in some scenarios. Learned something new today.

Thanks for sharing and letting us see a bit into your world. Hope you get passed this and ‘Carryon my wayward son:slight_smile:


I read all their posts before and after edits. Honestly if you thought that came off rude and judgey at any point I wish to live around the people you do. :sweat_smile:


More flags here than Mt Everest


Your post was perfectly fine @GreenRoc … do not allow “others” on here to dissuade you from being a part of the community just because they do not like your opinion… Post on Buddy! If someone harasses you or in any way gives you a negative experience on here REPORT THEM to @Leahlemoncakes @james @SamF they are the Commanders and Chiefs (aka the Developers)…


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You’ll get use to the flagging. If you personally know your post had no issues carry on and ignore it. There are many trolls on the forums.

If you want a place to chat about things Iconic community discord has few issues.

I have also thought about cutting ties with the forums. It is helpful when it comes to spreading info on shop sales and build openings.

This as a single post, responding to a simple post about somebody mentioning other games being played 1-handed, is what i could see being interpreted as rude and judgey.

Thats my opinion though, and as i mentioned, i’m sure it wasn’t meant as such, but intentions are very hard to get across over just text.

In my experience most of the flags i’ve seen have been warranted. Most of the time it’s because people are overreacting, getting emotional, starting personal attacks or bringing up things they know full well will just result in a drama-thread. I’ve had a few of my own posts flagged, and upon reflection, rightfully so. I get carried away sometimes.

I strongly believe people take getting flagged waaaaay too seriously here. It’s simply a user asking the devs (i believe non-dev mods cant act on them?) to have a look at a post. The post is not removed, you’re not banned or silenced. People can still read your post. People are way too dramatic about flagging.

Disclaimer: again, i didn’t flag the post. I can count the amount of posts ive flagged on 1 hand. Most if not all of those involved personal attacks and were rightfully removed.

I’ve quit playing entire games before because of forum and chat flagging/muting etc. When the Everquest servers went down for like the 5th time that week (I was probably 16 at the time) I went to game chat and asked, “Why are the servers down YET AGAIN??” as an honest but frustrated question and a GM kicked me off chat for 24 hours… That was the turning point where I decided a game that I had put a thousand hours into was not for me. It really opened my eyes to how bad the game actually was.

World of Tanks - sometimes you win, sometimes you lose but among other things I was tired of rolling actual living, breathing potatoes for teammates. Posted on the forums, asking if there was any way possible for matchmaking to give them their own lobby, got a post warning. Again, an honest question to a perceived problem and a possible solution - if I was having that hard of a time with the game I surely would prefer a lobby where I actually stood a chance… but that sour taste of a flagged post also contributed to my departure from a game that I used to enjoy.

Bad experiences on the forums drive players away. But I will say the Boundless forums are the best experience I’ve ever had on any gaming forum, and if I ever got flagged or hidden it was probably justified :joy:


Seriously, this is what got flagged?

The devs need to actually implement flagging the way they said it would be implemented. People who over-flag posts need to lose their flagging power.


Im not saying it should be removed. But it’s a dismissive post of another post that was perfectly on-topic. Im guessing the flagger wanted to avoid drama that typically comes out of these types of comments.

Who says they haven’t? We can’t see who flags, so this could very well be somebody’s first flag. Pointless to speculate on “serial flaggers” or the likes.

Again, not advocating for removal of the post.

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From the flagging I’ve seen on the forums, it would appear people aren’t losing their ability to flag posts.

Also I think the threshold should be turned up. It seems like two or three flags is enough to hide a post. Maybe it should be 5 or 10.

Speaking of derailing posts - I do love you @Sujimichi88 but I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen you and @AeneaGames derail a post with an off-topic debate over which of you are correct about some detail :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and all without getting flagged

I think you’re also ascribing too much good intention to the flagger. I think it’s more likely that the flagger (and most of the serial flaggers) are “virtue signaling”. There’s a great Colbert clip about the topic, but it’s political so I will post this video instead - which while featuring Obama, is not very political and still captures the point.


Something which i’ve already mentioned myself, but also completely irrelevanto to my argument.

The rest of your post is pure speculation.


Yeah and I don’t get it since it’s so easy, I’m always right! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Fair ‘nuff, also I like the word irrelevanto haha

Also true. But “I think” I made it clear enough I wasn’t stating facts, no? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If can’t handle the forums, because of your mental health, than try the boundless discord, it’s safer on the discord.

The threshold is lower than that. Iirc if I flag a post it’s immediately hidden. But I seldomly flag and when I do it’s blatant attacks or contains swears so my flagging hasn’t been impacted by any overuse or wrongful flags

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Call the forums “Flagship”, cause you are going to get flagged. <3 … approaching flagship island, proceed with caution. Jokes only lol this forum isn’t bad. Most the time it’s helpful.

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Test of the flagging system complete. It takes one flag to hide a post, at least for some.

In my opinion, it should take at least 3 flags to hide a post.

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I’ve seen forums before that bullied people and even when people needed help with a game the devs and moderators just ignored them. I haven’t seen it on these forums, but I can see how being mistreated on forums can make you not want to play a game.


I’m gonna stay away from the bullied part since that’s harder to prove. The devs do good things, but taking care of issues requiring a GM, without continuous prodding, isn’t one of them.

Probably because the CEO is the only GM in the game. Love you @james!

Significant “needs help” request that was “ignored” (probably accidentally) for a month. And it was only noticed because me and some others started poking the devs about it.


And my opinion is the opposite. I am fine with one flag hiding posts. Particularly when a player is bullying or otherwise violating the CoC. I think they need to pass out more bans and maybe limit the number of topics one player can start in a week.

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