Now that every sovereign world gets a "Gleam Lake" biome - Paintable Gleam?

I am trying. I will roll planets until more of the colors come out. While black gleam is rare it can happen but will not unless we try.


I am still not happy with the paid lootbox-style RNG unlocks the whole Sovereign World generation system even works. Seems like the devs just want their community to waste money on things that should’ve instead just be allowed to choose any color instead of this stupid locked until rolled junk we have.

I would’ve gotten a sovereign planet of my own, but I’m voting with my wallet here and not doing so because I’m not wasting my money on a gamble whether or not I’m going to like the colors my world generates nor am I going to gamble on whether or not the biomes I pick and the world profile I pick doesn’t leave me with garbage terrain I just don’t want.


Very much this.

That’s where it stops for me. If it would be an in game event like you have to farm stuff to summon a titan that drops a new color that would be fine. But buying a lottery ticket where we don’t even know the chance to unlock black gleam? Thanks, I pass.

The cool thing is that we all profit from people who spend money.

I don’t think the devs anticipated this real money gambling for colors, we’ll see if they come up with a change. I would assume they thought that people rent a planet because they want a planet, not to play the lottery.


I :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: the new planets! I’ve said it previously, but…

I do wish renting them wasn’t attached to gambling for gleam colors. It’s one of the worst cases of in-game gambling I’ve seen. And for real cash x_x

Regardless of the gleam situation, I would have rented a planet anyway and am very happy with the one I’ve decided to keep.


And this could be very true. They may not like it too much if every month for a while, 200 or so planets get re-rolled (closed and a new one ordered) because players are going for colors. But they set this up and created the rules that are making it happen.

Yeah, the more color we unlock the less chance we gonna get new colors. So atm we are kind of flooded with new colors but it will stagnant over time.

For the luminous color it seems we do not get a lot but if i remember correctly we had some on exoplanets. These luminous color are more likely to spawn on blink planets, which we can’t rent anyways.

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But what are the odds of getting something luminous yellow? Out of ~500 planets spawned you’d think one person could get one of the 45 colorable, naturally spawning, items to roll as luminous yellow.

How close to zero does an approximation have to be before you can declare it statistically improbable? I never said there was a manual block on colors, I was merely suggesting that the code used to assign colors has an astronomically low chance of picking some colors - and they aren’t likely to occur during the natural progression of the game.

I’d love for someone with a stronger understanding of statistics to calculate what the odds of NOT receiving at least one of each color (255) on at least one of the colorable blocks (45) during the generation of 500 planets ASSUMING equal probability of each color.

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I like the idea of unlocking the colors together as a community via activities - just imagine…
Getting a message notification on screen “Player X mined the millionth diamond! The gleam color: shadow green has been unlocked!” or “The 100,000th meteor has been completed! The gleam color: vivid violet has been unlocked!”
Then it could be added to the sovereign planet color palette or something.

Unlocking the gleam colors is something that we can only do once anyway…whether they are eventually all bought via rental planets or earned via community events. It would make great lore if it was via the later.


But to be fair I don’t think the rental planets purpose was to generate colors, lot of things people are not liking here are just their own spectations not being fulfilled.


How many people are rolling planets right now and tossing them just to try to get a new gleam color? Looks like a lot.

Until all colors of gleam are available, one large purpose of Exos and now rentals is to unlock colors for everyone. In two years, we didn’t get many colors, so now people are paying with cash to try to get more colors for everyone.

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I would guess yellows and oranges are tied to shock planets. I dont think those have been rolled very much, which I think would make sense to not have seen them yet.

If more shocks planets are rolled we might see more yellow/orange colors

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10 incoming. Will see results tomorrow.


Lol are those all shock planets?

My point is that they are doing this as gambling because they want to.

The rental planets were meant only to provide a safe place for people who don’t want to deal with neighbors or trolls they were not meant to solve color scarcity.

Since color scarcity is part of the game (even if we like it or not) they had to keep the balance and the way I see it they could have decided to go for fixed pallettes from existing planets and stop the rng generation or just leave the rng and give a chance for something new.


Might see tonight, i got mine in less than 2 hours.

Just started to configure them all, but yea


I do have some luminous yellow paint at my store in the mean time on angel 1

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So let’s ask for them to remove the rng and just keep the existing colors :grinning:

I’m fine with the current monetization of planets and “scarcity” for gleam colors but once a color is unlocked scarcity is gone, as long as regen farming exists