Offering to map sovereign worlds

Sorry to get off topic, but I’m not familiar with this technique. Care to elaborate?

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essentially you hold down W while high jumping then double jumping with max speed to get the best distance, then before you land you use a 3x3 solidifier. i use the technique all the time and ill have to stream some more on twitch to show you. its a good alternative to the gleampop and it works on lava

Hey I’m getting on now

alright, im done with cuddles prizes. where should we meet?

Gonna be gone for a couple days. Put your requests here and I’ll get back to you when I’m back

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@HOST the glitch is fixed and im back so let me know all the details and ill get you those tokens

Is this referring to the large worlds not actually unlocking regions?

If so, how much are you charging for a t6 6 km?

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@DJDancecraft if you can come dkmall we can talk about it bud

64 regions to discover
an token of center location saved for each region
naming the regions on the token
pay 150,000

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yeah glitches fixed. depends on how difficult the terrain but probably around 10k (ss of atlases on me)

ill head over there in a bit talking with whitelet about :bomb:

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I have 2 worlds that I want you to do. But 1 of them has a special feature I can’t seem to find again. How much do I need to pay you in coin?

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it will depend on the size, terrain difficulty, and other factors that make it more time consuming. will be between 3-20k each though. 9 atlases on me for each one and additionals will be 75c each


once again thanks! @DJDancecraft
i highly recommend him, good and fast service!
keeps you updated on the progress too!

just be careful of the earthyams :earthyam:


Happy to help! And you gotta stay energized lol


Then I need you to do 1 for me thenbut I will provide the atlases

you sure you wanna provide em?

Yes, I just bought a few stacks

when can you do the world for me?

the deal comes with 9 atlases so if you really want to im not gonna judge. im leading a hunt in about an hour but i might be able to after that, otherwise ill contact you tomorrow

I have a t6 world with some difficulty of terrain but im looking for a special place though that i forgot to mark