Official Player Charter

@the-moebius What if they hold all the supply spawns and are ‘selling’ the items for millions more than they are realistically worth?

Playing EVEOnline for years taught me a lot about a player run economy. Ultimately, if someone or a group hold all of an item (which happened in EVE for a while) then two things happen. It creates a massive problem with huge overpricing of totally unrealistic prices that some rare few can maybe afford… and it creates an incentive for people to infiltrate (join) the guild, or people within the guild (even the founder), to steal the resources and then leave the guild, which often ruins the guild forever.

Again, this is why dynamic spawn points are so important. RNG is neutral. Humans are most certainly not. EVE was designed to be ruthless, which is way I’ve played it for so long. However, Boundless is the opposite… so avoiding similar rules in a charter might be important.


make sence :slight_smile:
sugestion could be spawn points that are not beaconable

I’m sorry but even after reading through this I still have no idea what this is for or what purpose it serves. Can you explain this to me like I was 10? :sweat_smile:

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@Cookviper Umm, help come up with the substance of a player written charter for Boundless…?


K…like I was 5 :neutral_face:

What’s a charter?

A list of agreed upon rules and behaviors. We are attempting to figure out a sort of agreement of what is fair, and what is unfair gameplay. What styles of gameplay are good for a community, and what is toxic. Trying to define where the line between greifing and shrewd gameplay can be tricky. This charter’s goal is to spell that out for all players to know and understand the moment they start playing.

Basically, a boundless universal law book.


I think there are a few things to think about regarding religious symbols.
If it is ok to have a church with a cross it should be ok to show any religion. Maybe some would find it offensive if someone built a satanic shrine for example. I don´t know.
For me it affects the immersion a bit, it seems strange to me that the characters in the game have earthly religions. It is more likely that they would pray to other gods, if they have any.

To me it seem easiest to just not allow (irl) religious or political symbols at all. I checked the EULA, and it seems like it is ok right now. But also no offensive material is allowed. Different persons think different things are offensive, so that one is a bit tricky.

I agree totally on trading items for free. Of course I should be able to give away stuff if I want to.


i follow ya but if its meant to be just for looks
if not the ingame graves need changing hahahah to a oortian cross


Haha, don’t know how I missed that one.

I think it depends on the religion if it is enough to start controversy then maybe something should be done, but if it causes no problems then it should be fine

P.S. there is also the religion of the Illuminoorti, a must benevolent society of techno priests who’s duty is to discover the secrets of the Oort

Yes, it depends on the symbols used and the person who is looking at them.
Personally I don´t have a problem as it is today.
I think that it is good to have the game as free as possible, so unneccesary rules should be avoided.
However, I still claim that it could be easiest to not allow it. But I guess the team behind the game will handle it if there is a problem.

Sure, for example Illuminorti and similar stuff should be allowed either way imho.

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yes I agree with you about how it is the symbols and who looks at it and religions and guilds and governments formed by players in the game should be allowed

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I think in this Charter that is written that there should be a section devoted to role-playing and what is accepted like no ERP/DatingRp/DrugRP shouldn’t be allowed.

What? No. Firstly, as long as no deliberately erotic emotes are included in the game, you can’t really do anything but wave your arms and jump about. Secondly, you can’t moderate what people say in private voice channels. Lastly, while it may be weird to you and me, it’s also totally harmless.

And if I may digress to the religion topic… it seems silly to me to outright ban religious (and political) things from the game. Real life, or imaginary, they are unavoidable in the larger community. I think we could however include a clause to negate boundless being used as a platform for the overt promotion of politics and religion. Something sensible like:

Practice and believe any ideology you like in boundless, but don’t push those beliefs onto your fellow players.

This allows for organizations like in game governments or “cults” to exist and operate, so long as they do not try and assert themselves upon others. At the same time, real life politics and religions can exist in boundless, but they can not use boundless as a platform to push their message on to others. You may build a church or mosque, and you may hold “services”, but you may not go “street preaching” to push those beliefs on people.


i cant play without my skooma :joy:
now i need to bake cakes with my moonsugar

oh and whats ERP


I don’t advise googling that.


I’m going to echo Havok here, as I’ve just been sitting back trying to observe the thread… let’s not get too bogged down in details. Rules like ‘No Religious Symbols’ is a moderating nightmare for admins. Rules like ‘Boundless shall always remain free of anything overtly or inherently offensive’ is far better. The same with trying to moderate romantic/erotic behavior. That would require an army of admins.

Again… If we accommodated the specific desires of every, single person then the charter will be longer than a novel and impossible to enforce.

Think in general terms and try to narrow it down as little as possible. We want this charter to be a couple hundred words max.


googled it was expection bigger shock hahahah
i feel alot off jokes coming up but i let it be :smile: