Ok, for real, what's going on with the exo schedule?

It’s content that was added. People depend upon it for farm materials, forging supplies, spray paint supplies, kindling, etc.

If they removed farming crops for a few weeks, I don’t think anyone would call players “spoiled” if they starting asking what happened to that “content”.

But thanks to the insight provided by Leah, we know that something may be brewing…besides the new compactness score update :thinking:


Not only did he say it would be a constant stream but he COMMANDED us to expect them.

Well you got your wish James


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Hi @Leahlemoncakes,

Thank you for your response! I appreciate all the reasons you’ve given us that might explain the lack of exo’s lately. But in over 3 weeks now, we’ve only had 3 exo’s in 1 singular (im guessing override) event. Surely the process hasn’t had to be stopped for over 3 weeks, for 1 update or custom job?

I appreciate you folks are very busy, especially now with the compactness update in the works, but prevention is the best medicine! It would be fantastic if there was just a quick announcement saying: “we’ve put the exo’s on hold for a bit while we work on update X/something”. This way you avoid speculation, won’t have to deal with long grumbling topics and you prevent the atmosphere from going sour, by introducing one of anticipation! :slight_smile:

So my response is essentially the long-winded version of:

Huge generalization and also just plain untrue, as has been pointed out.
Nobody is saying they want 5 exo’s a week. But besides the promise of a steady stream of exo’s, there’s always a negative reaction when you take something away for 3+ weeks, when there’s always been something up.

That would be fine. At least there would be 1 up at most times. Point is, that’s not been the case. Again, 3+ weeks with only 1 singular exo event.


I agree!
10 char

Oops not “biggest” but “bug test creative mode”

Why did post 18 get flagged??

Oh quite the opposite Paka! Its was in fact, your sacrifice that pleased the gods into revealing themselves and providing an update…of sorts. So Thank you!! Appearantly one Paka death is worth 500 Virgins…

“How do you make God laugh?..Tell him your plans.”


I’m making a kindling farm.

NEW EXO!!! Everyone

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THAT’S what’s up with the exo schedule!

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Light Orange Gleam Mmmk @DutchOfSorissi said it’s a creamsicle Mmmm

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Please don’t eat it Cookie it’ll cut your tongue and that weird smooth part on the roof of your mouth :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yay!! :smile::+1:

I have no clue, but whoever flagged that is sure to flag THIS then… 'cause I recorded it! :grin:
