Ok what did I miss?

Vulpto is spawning scary mobs now 0-0 Please change back… I had to buy a gem weapon to handle them… and now I’m going to need to move off the only non populated planet because it was ugly to most people (not me) just so I can do stuff… :frowning: If it was lacking people before just imagine how dead it’s going to be now… I’ll try to stay but it already feels impossible.

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lol Seth, Vulpto is a lvl 4 planet, it is supposed to be dangerous, it was strange that it wasn’t! :smiley:


All gem planets are now T4 planets so even Andoweem, my planet is now more dangerous. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger #survival


#DropRate for the win

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Yeah, if you invest into nearly fully upgraded health you will be ok. I am like 3 skill ups away from fully upgraded health. The exploding things can one shot us know even with fully upgraded health. I don’t think my explosive residtsnce is upgraded though so theres that. I wish they would consolidate the resistances there’s to many skill points needed and it just takes away from other things.


That made my day😎
Hoppers have a new name for me now. The Exploding Thing.
TET in short.

Yes, high tier TETs deal a lot of damage.


Haha I knew someone would get a laugh from that :smiley: Glad I could make your day :smiley:


Wait does this affect DIAMONDDROPRATES AAAH!


Yessir, not like they needed upping anyway xD

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They didn’t really because they’re found so commonly, but wow. Excuse me while I spend all my time on Andoweem now. :wink:

Edit: Ando is now also indisputably the best place for Gold.

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If they ever take away 100% death reduction, I will probably quit. It’s a much needed skill imo.


EXACTLY… Now I need to move because the mobs are undodgeable… I mean honestly why have animations or explosions or anything… might as well just make it make a noise and auto zap you for the damage because they literally have too big a hit radius and it hits too hard and OH WAIT! IT TRACKS YOU… but now gem’s are just impossible… it took me 100 hours to be able to just BUY gem tools… not even have the stuff to make them yet. This is getting to be on the verge of pointless because the progression was miserable before AND NOW… it’s impossible… they need to remove the tracking ■■■■ with cuttle trunks… they should shoot and if you dodge USING SKILL… you should be REWARDED FOR SKILLFUL PLAY… not just be like oh sorry cuttles like to shoot from point blank and they rounds follow you!

You can out run their shots. With skill. You can also dodge them using permanent/temporary fixtures. That takes skill, too.


Permanent fixtures don’t exist everywhere and that doesn’t work either because cuttle trunks for some random reason dodge at a rate faster than the roadrunners to get a clean shot… and you CANNOT out run the shots… I know this because I have tried MANY MANY TIMES… Oh unless your saying I must be level 50 and moving insanely fast which the devs forgot was a thing in their game and thus they should probably remove all together and give everyone the max skill because it’s not skillful play to be crippled by a mechanic that takes too long to level to get in the first place…

You realize gem stuff is currently the end game equipment? You should have to play at LEAST 100 hours before you can have your end game items

and you realize it’s NOT THE END GAME EQUIPMENT… They have something in the works for after that… it should be the mid game…

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and I’m at 100 hours and NOT EVEN CLOSE… it will take 400 hours just to be relevantly close to the mid… I haven’t seen this much grind since runescape… AND EVEN RUNESCAPE HAD LESS GRIND… THAT’S A PROBLEM!!!

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Currently, as the darkmatter isn’t available yet

yea so stop developing the game to make gem the end game if it’s NOT THE END GAME… and the mobs are HIGHLY unbalanced right now… specifically cuttles and spitters… AS EXPLOSIONS HIT THROUGH WALLS… Clipping is too big a problem too have ANY reason to have ANY end game mobs even in the game yet.

Hey, Seth?

Make like Nasharil and Chill.

This is Early Access. Things will become much more balanced in time.