Old artwork of mine

Hello Everybody. iam happy to have bought that game because its very inspirational. I did a lot of artworks some years ago and somehow lost the “vibe” i guess. Now playing boundless reminds me a lot of those creative moments i had in the past and i had to browse my old DeviantArt page for remembering a bit :slight_smile: doing so, i found a pice that very much would fit a boundless world if i would build it with de voxels xD itf from my own worldbuilding, but very much fits the coulour scheme. hoping to get back to creating art again :slight_smile:

i thought id share the picture with you as looking at artworks is always fun isnt it :smiley:


i like the red tree, is that a little person i see underneath it?

yes you spottet it right :smiley: its a shaman from a far away people :3

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Wow that’s brilliant! I love that feel of vibrance travelling thru a serene but majestic world. Please do/show more! I think this really sparks the imagination for builders in this game.

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i wish i could make a tree like that in Boundless, i’m good with big, not good with details. so leaves/canopies are hard for me to work with

trees are the most beautyfull creations of nature in my opinion. i always loved drawings them, and i think it would be possible do build some very decent trees in boundless :slight_smile: especially when it comes to the more exotic types, which are the best to my mind :smiley:


i can very well share some more of my old worldbuilding visuals i have done :3 would love it if someone would decide to build something of that stuff in the game 8D


Beautiful work! I LOVE trees as well. I guess that’s why all my builds are tree based :slight_smile:

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Definitely reminds me of the Baobab trees in Madagascar (2nd image in thread), majestic and unique! Very nice work! I suspect your creative mind might have some ideas for the biome ideas thread, in case you haven’t already seen it.

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I too have a thing with trees. I’d almost call it spiritual, but I don’t really consider myself a very spiritual person in the typical sense. They just bring about a sense of calm and general well being. Fortunately I’m Canadian and have plenty of treefolk to visit, lol. Yes, that’s a bit of a Magic the Gathering reference. :wink:


Nice as these are, I’m thinking that it needs to go to the off topic tab

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okay, being new to the forum i havent really known where to post it best :slight_smile:

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thats the source of inspiration indeed. and thanks for the info, ill have a look

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Not a problem, I made the adjustment to the topic for you.

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thank you very much :smiley:


sorry if iam silly, but why should the thread be off topic and not creations, as it is about my artwork [that came back to my mind playing the game) ?

because it is not a creation made in the game, or directly linked to Boundless. it is great art, and it came to mind from playing the game, but some things just aren’t quite what should be in the creations “Tab”.

my creation of a hand-drawn keyboard of the oortphabet was creations, because it is directly linked to the game, yours is cooler than mine, but mine has a stronger link to the game.

sorry if it sounds like i’m glorifying myself, i promise i’m not.

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no no its all good xD i was just unsure why it should not be creations. iam totally fine with that explanatin, thank you :slight_smile:

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