Hey Everyone.
I’m currently working on building a library of biomes for the next significant world update. (More details about this in the coming dev update post.)
This post is a request for everyone in the community to contribute creative biome ideas.
At the moment I’m only interested in the ideas rather than actually crafted biomes in the World Builder (which will come later).
Below are 2 additional posts that I’ve flagged as Wiki posts:
- The first post is for “Real world or Earth like biomes”. Biomes that we can take inspiration from the real world to create.
- The second post is for “Imaginary or Unbelievable Made up biomes”. Biomes that we can only dream of in the real world.
Please be super creative. But be careful not to delete anyone else’s ideas when you’re editing with wiki posts.
Q: Why aren’t we sharing our biome ideas?
A: We want to make sure that ultimately the biomes are a surprise when you discover them in game. So this is a request for ideas that we can fold into the future worlds in the game.
Q: Can we share cool concepts images that we create or find online?
A: Yes. Please post to the thread any additional concepts to help support your biome proposal.
Any other questions that can help guide the submissions? If so, I’ll update the post.