Oort Hunters (H.U.N.T) New Guild

We would like to introduce ourselves as a new guild for Hunters. Our Hunt leaders include:

We love leading hunts and have been doing so for many years. Our style of hunting is primarily Grapple & Run, although you may see a platform hunt from time to time.

We pride ourselves on quick, efficient hunts that maximize Oort and loot. We run several hunt planets that are designed for hunting with flat, easy terrain for ease of movement.

Oort Hunters will be providing free buffs for hunters, which are:

  • Grapple & Run
  • Brew Extension
  • Augment Durability.

We welcome all players, but our guild will be focused on H.U.N.T activities and not much else.
If you’re interested in joining you can find the guild book on Amplified. It’s located in the back room when you enter the hub. Portal is located at:

  • Dragon’s Hub on the Sovereign Wall
  • RTG Hub on Arie on the upper level in the NW corner
  • Pharao’s Network on Finata, in the center of the hub.
  • Fortune World Hub on Lamblis, East wall of the hub.

You can also find us on Discord at:


Look Forward to seeing everyone on the Hunts


Yeah it should be fun.
I’m bringing my signature hunt chaos. Brace yourselves :rofl:

Just a little update Buffs will be activated this Saturday or Sunday. I’ll post a reminder nearer the weekend.

looks interesting but few questions if i may…

  1. planning hunt days? time? timezone base?

  2. do i need to be a guild member to attend hunts? do your guild must be main to attend hunts?

just curious :slight_smile:

That’s ok all valid questions.

We don’t have a set schedule right now as we are just getting setup. Need to rework the hub. But we currently hunt most days. Out the 4 of us Del has a regular schedule.

Myself, Turri & Emerald will be covering hunts in the evening CET timezone. Dels hunts are Tuesday to Saturday 9.30pm EST.
There will be a separate post for hunts and that will be sorted soon. It’s something we want to get up asap.

No you don’t need to be part of the guild to join any of our hunts. Everyone is welcome to come to them.
In the future, on occasions, we might do private hunts. Again you won’t need to be part of the guild to join these either. If you’re part of the discord you’ll be welcome to join them. But private hunts will be rare.


thanks for answer :smiley:
it surely covered whole curiosity without killing the cat :wink:


:laughing: You’re most welcome :grin:
Always happy to help so feel free to ask away.


Everyone who would like Hunter buffs, Grapple & Run, Brew Extension, and Augment durability sign into the guild book behind the shops on the Amplified hub before Sat Night.


Just to update that the guild is still here. I’ve taken it over with some assistance from Emerald and Chicula. With Turrican leaving the game he’s left it in the safe hands with us and when/if he returns he’ll always have a place. Even though Turrican owned the guild we all helped eachother run it and we’ll continue to do so.
I’m still out with a hand injury but I still jump on to fuel portals, earn endeavour for the guild and activate the buffs. I should be back on fully in a few weeks.

So if you are interested in joining you are welcome to do so. Details at the top of the page.
Playerbase has dropped significantly but we’ll keep the guild running as long as we can. Any changes I’ll update here.


hope the hand injury heals well and soon


Many thanks I hope so too. It’s really frustrating. I’m not the best at behaving and resting lol. Slowly getting there.


My time has come where I need to stop playing Boundless, for now. Circumstances off game have changed and my health has taken a hit. So much so I’m struggling to get on to play. I need to take the time to get sorted and deal with things in my own time.

I’ve ran the Oort Hunters Guild for as long as I could when Turri left me in charge to handle things. I want to say special thanks to EmeraldIsle & Chicula for massively helping me out. Made a great team. You both are amazing.

I will run the guild buffs for one more week. These will be done on Sunday. Give people chance to move and transition to other guilds.

This isn’t goodbye forever. I’ve left the door open to return if the game is still here when I’m able too. I have reclaimed my main base on Arie. I’ll be starting fresh when I come back. I’ve even organised all my stuff into separate beacons so I can easily find things when I get back on lol.

Planet Quinzel has 1 week & 3 days left. This planet will go. I’ve changed the gleam colour to Bright Yellow.

Amplified has 3 weeks & 4 days left. I’ve finalised the colours on this planet so feel free to grab them. This planet will go.

Belladonna has 11 weeks and 5 days left. Chicula will still be using this for T6 hunts. Tjis planet will eventually go.

I have loved playing this game for over 2 years. I’ve met some awesome people. The good memories far outweighs the bad. Thanks for the great memories. I look forward to making more when i get back.

I’ll still be around on discord and Playstation (eventually). So feel free to message :purple_heart:


Sad to see you go, but health comes first!

Take care of yourself and hopefully see you again soon.


I’m sad to go tbh, love this gane so much. There’s no other game out there like this. It’s so unique. In time i know things will get thete, it’ll give me chance to focus on that.

My partner suggested one last hunt on Sunday. Think it would be fitting. So if anyone fancies one let me know. T3 or T6.
(It’s not goodbye forever but he said he thought it would be fitting).


Sorry to see you go. But get your health back in order and you can come back stronger. :muscle:


hugs I hope your health recovers, if not completely (because I know all too well some things can’t) at least to where playing games is simply fun and not a struggle


Thanks so much for the kind words. Honestly really touched by all the messages. Not just on here but in private/discord.
It’s so hard to just stop but it’s needed.

1 last hunt on Sunday. 1 last hurrah. 1 last chaotic hunt full of death but lots of loot. Sounds like one of my hunts :laughing: