Oortmas is here!

There’s also wildstock with hats that drop green candy canes.
Edit: I looked the green canes up in the knowledge page, they can drop from any mob with a hat on planet level 1-8.

And spitters with red hats do the same :smiley: :+1::+1:

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What is this and why i cant pick it up??? :stuck_out_tongue:
(the bag is spining there like a dropped item)

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Merry Oortmas, fellow Citizens! :christmas_tree:


Love what you did


Just got back from work, time to log in and have some fun lol

Merry Oortmas everyone :snowman:

Edit: Also the sanctum is amazing @Mittekemuis!


Right, I think it has to be said…

THANK YOU for these AWESOME Sanctuary designs for each event. I think they are beautiful and get - at least me - in the right mood! :slight_smile:

Whoever designed those, thank you! Keep going!!!

Merry Oortmas!


@james - Love Struck!
@bunky8604 - Gleambow Racing 1
@georgegroeg - Halloween
@Jeffrotheswell - Gleambow Racing 2
@Mittekemuis - Oortmas

And I think we all know which was the best!!

If you fancy building a sanctum for a future event - please PM me!


Thank you to all!!! :smiley:

If I am ever confident enough to design one, I’ll get in touch! :smiley:


I hope to see other people stepping up. Judging by @bucfanpaka screenshots on her visits in the worlds we all know there is a whole lot of talent out there.

A little advice though. If you are crazy enough to start from zero like most of us did. This sanctum is bigger than expected :smiley: I don’t know how long James, Bunky, Georg and Jeff worked on it but it took me at least two full weeks …I am slow though and break more down than I build.


I liked them all except the Love Struck one…


I better not forge today, something tells me my luck went to -100 :joy:


It’s way bigger than I thought. Took me 36hrs, some of which I was afk. And I was asked a week before the event. Luckily it was a long weekend and I junked out and did it in 4 days. Lol. Yeah I have a bit of a Boundless addiction. Still haven’t got around to making a personalized Sanctum yet.


I’m so amazed by the talent here, I can’t say that enough!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Really, my jaw is dropped on a constant basis in Boundless! :smiley:


So um how does the candy work exactly?

It took me 18 days.
My famaly was happy to have me back when it was all done


You will get 25 cuttles to chase you permanently. Good luck.

Twinkles on the store trellis, and Oorty and I have matching scarves! :smile:


I know I should be super happy about finally getting the Oortmas beard I’ve been wanting to get for months, but I got depressed when I saw I needed 160 red candy canes to make a mass-craft of 25 twinkle lights.
After roughly 1h of snowball meteor hunting with other people, I barely got out with 45 red candy canes.

As if that wasn’t painful enough, now, I look at the colors of Tangle available in permanent worlds…
If this colour sheet is to be believed, there’s only 7 colors on Tangle available on permanent worlds.

I kinda find the balancing of that recipe a bit (#euphemism) sadistic from the devs.
I hate this concept of seasonal-recipe-components SO MUCH, you wouldn’t believe. Since there’s less than 2 weeks left for this event, I’m gonna be forced to go on snowball meteor hunts almost everyday during the holiday if I wanna make a decent quantity of twinkle lights, and I’m gonna be away from home for several days (because y’know, Christmas IRL…), it’s ridiculous.


I need 1225 red candy canes for dolls so i feel your pain :joy:. No chance on twinkles for me. RIP family time also.

Are red candy canes going for more than twice the price of Oort now?
Everyone should switch from hunting for Oort to candy canes!