yes and no… i mentioned it being with a limit 3-5 portals… anything after that would require manual fueling so you’d still be able to sell your oortstone… but having fuels costs reduced as mentioned above is also a good idea
Sure but let’s face it, the people with many portals are usually not the lower level players, they are the players who have been around for a while. Those also probably have way too many beacons to even wanna try to to fuel manually, I know I do! If not for the other perks and ease of mind the amount of beacons alone would be reason enough for me to get Gleam Club.
So the people who already have GC are more likely the ones with more than 1 portal and thus also do not need to pay anything extra. The way I proposed it it is an incentive to re-up early tho and for people still on the fence about GC it can mean they start to buy it…
Fact is flexy jerkov and his wife and his “so called” daughter turned off of doing hunts.
Jaceys hunts were needed.
There you go. Being Salty gives you salt.
Call it what it is.
And I’m pissed because it costs ME coin.
Sounds like dev should make something so people see hunt party’s being started ingame
The only reason I have a shop is to be able to afford Oort.
Pay me coins and I shall hunt again xd. New Busnis model.
I would do eu hunts around 8 pm utc
Same, @Orrian pay me and I ll be your huntmaster one day a week.
3 earth yams!
50 lucent gems and 10k.
Per hunt!?
Yes :3
dont think I hunt for cheaps~
You are welcome to make me a counter offer. But lets take it to pm, or discord if you are interested.
Your more worth 100 lucent, 20k coin, and 10 earth yams!
Or you pay me 150 'k you will get all the things I collected too
doesn’t matter if it’s 1 hour or 2 hour
The amount of Oort feels fine to me; I’ve got about 380 ore stocked, slowly draining it on my one portal from my settlement to the RTG hub on Dzassak.
I do sell some every now and then, though.
I need 1200 per week.
…for what?! Damn.
Oort is in plentiful supply if you run a few portals. People like an excessive amount of huge portals for convenience though. Maybe it’s time the community constricted its Oort use. Portals are almost addiction status. We don’t need a very large majority of the portals that are open. But people are also obsessed with their footfall so I guess we will never get away from anything that encourages mass traffic like large portal networks.
Has anything changed on this front? Is it less resource intensive to manage portals for Wonderstruck? Unless something has changed here I don’t see much happening in the way of oort/amalgam changes.
That whole thread from early 2018 is pretty educational honestly. A lot of design decisions since then make sense, amalgams included, especially if they haven’t reduced the resource cost of hosting portals.
I’ve got a hub, and connections to most T5 and T6 planets, a few farms and a few mines. I haven’t finished the T5 and T6 network because it’s so Oort hungry already!
I never see my coin go down when exploring places-where does footfall coin come from? Since it’s not costing me coins I pitter patter the heck out if places
I’m poor as hell but went with Glee Club b/c Boundless is exactly the addiction I need to escape into and keeps my dreamy side lubricated. I might get back to dressmaking now that my hand-me-down cloth stash of mostly partly plastic blends is less uncomfortable in the half year of snowbound here :*)
So, new player, special needs, spends discretionary on supporting arts & animals & video game therapy