Oortstone supply

I think this is very possible. Its seems the concurrent steam players has been declining from the bump it got after the farming update was released. So if players are playing less or there are fewer players, then there is probably less hunting going on.

I also have seen this. While this is great for the person running the store since they do not have to stock more than one store, it will be interesting to see if this makes sense as the sales scanner gets more ingrained into the game. You might have a portal to the planet I am on, but unless your store is there, I will not see that you are selling what I want. But more related to the point, this does end up taking a decent amount of Oort out of the game.

I think it will be interesting to see what happens over the next month or so. Will portals start shutting down? Will one of the major hubs shutdown?

What I think would be an interesting add to the game would be a count of the players that go through a particular portal. If I was running a series of portals, it would allow me to decide if it was worth the Oort to maintain if I was getting 1 player every week through the portal. If it was for personal purposes, I might, but if it was to provide access for other players then it might not be worth it.


Hunters unite we strike for better working conditions~ \ o_o /


Indeed. Our profession has way too many casualties


I think a traveller counter would be great too, might help reduce unnecessary portals.

I know everyone wants portals, so I wont tell them to not have them. But ultimately, with reducing population comes the unfortunate reality that we might need to look at a single portal shop to a main hub or two, just based on a smaller census.

I think the game is built to where more people playing = more opportunity for portal establishment and multi portal usage.

But I dont believe the population is there anymore to support this old mentality.

I fixed my 20 people oort calculation from before it was off, but say we even only have 10-20 people running hunts every night, I feel like that should be more than enough to sustain our current population. That is 38,500 oortstone to 77,000 oortstone a week, or 534,722 oortshards to 1,069,444 oortshards a week generated. And this is just from the hunts alone, not including what others do

That is a lot of oort for such a small player base. I dont feel like adding other ways to get oort will help either. That will just compound the issue, with more portals being opened, until saturation again, and the same complaints about not enough oort being heard again :confused:

@james does this sounds right?

Why do they need to increase the supply? It’s part of the economic. It’s not hard to get but when you want do something for it. Otherwise pay enough so that people will do it for you


The current Oort situation is just simple economocs - nothing is broken this time. Too many portals, not enough hunters. People will either have to pay more, hunt more or close portals. And those who want coin will take advantage of this Gold Rush.


I dream of a day when oort stone sells for 1k, 2k, maybe even 3k!

I mean those deco blocks aren’t gonna prestige themselves.

Maybe those needing Oort so bad should make deals with hunters for free tools/weapons in exchange the Oort. Guess you’d have to find people willing to hunt first though, make it worth their while.

And in order to do that I would love to know the actual numbers of people using each portal!

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Maybe portal hubs should start charging rent to maximize profits for their prime real estate.

Maybe we just don’t need as many. Seems the ones that get plenty of footfall are doing just fine :man_shrugging:

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Me too, :slight_smile:

Sasquachville hunts ftw.

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Imagine if we get a job/contract system in the game. Guilds hiring for builders, gathers, HUNTERS! I know it’s done now, but having a contract that has a binding agreement would be interesting. Plus jobs in-game that you actually go to say a.post board to claim would be awesome!


A contract kind of system would be totally amazing. I’m always looking for players who need something for me to do lol


I would love to go on a hunt, I’ve tried even just taking on a level 2 meteor alone a die . A group would make it easier. We need more group hunts,

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This has been asked since at least the PS4 release, I’d imagine in EA too. It’s just as good an idea now as it was then.

You could almost see a town being built around the Job Board after it’s erected next to a few shops and houses…fast-forward a few months and there’s a whole new town that’s sprouted and grown all because of the Job Board bringing a central focus of community.

It’s hard to believe the game didn’t launch with a player contract system. I can think of few games that are built for this type of system.

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FTFY :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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feh. all the more reason to get rid of footfall in its current version and replace it with a better coin tap.

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They could even make it that there a certain job boards depending on settlement status. Once you reach settlement status you receive a job board you can place down. As I typed this out had second thoughts. Would still love jobs and contracts. I would start using my own farms alot more to fullfil contracts.

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A job board is just more personal than a request basket. Yes, it’d basically be a bulletin board style request basket, but if you could type 500-1000 chars to make it interesting, humerous, roleplayish, so many possibilities. It would go a long way towards bringing the community together. People would look at the board and go, “Phinneas, I know what we’re gonna do today!”

For anyone who would like to further discuss the awesomeness of job boards without derailing the Oort thread.