Yeah guys, don’t mess with HOST, You don’t want him mad at You and hungry at the same time :smirk:


you got that right!

@May-L04 these posts makes me hungry already


I totally agree!!!

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This is one of the reason I like this game for the most part people can take a joke



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I would move your shop to the future mall people would probably see you more

Not everyone is ready to build somewhere that the owner can force reclaim on a whim. I know you and I trust Host not to, but not everyone wants that possibility to lose their hard work.

Touché then just build a okay base all that would happen would be him turning it to ash and you getting the mats back not the worst thing to happen

What the topic was my own topic it had something to do with this but it was my topic
No offense but really that has gotten annoying real fast

giphy (1)


Ik I hate when this happens.
activate annoying mode I’d like to speak to the devs

Are you spamming people’s shop posts. Telling people to move to future mall?

Let people be if they want to open a shop they will.

I’d rather not have to mute Hosts mall post but this keeps up I can go with muting it.


Ik I’m just saying it because it’s annoying to me that such a great design is wasted for reasons easily fixed or patched

Oh no I see host replying bye

Maybe if I delete my post he won’t notice :smirk::thinking:
Also me who summoned him 3 times

I can’t even go and peek the forums before I go to sleep and not get annoyed, @Fuzzybear1919 with all due respect I love your royalty and I said it before, let people make their own choices I if someone asks for a mall yeah OK mention it but now you are making my threads into forced mall joining. Can you please stop it fuzzy, like I said I love your support, your motivation and loyalty but enough is enough, I don’t want you to spam peoples threads with the future mall lures can we agree on this?


Okay one thing I am not forcing I’m simply explaining why I am right but seriously I understand you are neutral but I can try my best to post my reasoning for them to build it and argue against the reasons cause to me it’s annoying to see all this work do nothing plus maybe if people left my one thread just stay and wither into dust I wouldn’t have to try to keep doing it and yes thank you very much I am a I would say it but not sure if people would take offense so I’ll just say this I’d like to speak to your manager also I have my rights :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Shoulda known better than to post on forums knowing full well I suck as sosial interaction k I’m going back to my cave

That was not your thread. That was someone else’s thread announcing their shop opening.


No I made my own thread then got merged here happens to me a lot
Shoulda known better than to say anything and I wonder why I have friends barely irl
Edit this is a joke trust me I have a very high ego no one would say it though since I’m so humble🤣

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