Outdated - Boundless Code of Conduct

@ everyone… There is a lot of incorrect information floating around lately, including lists of users AKA/alts…that list isn’t even correct. I won’t get into what transpired, that’s not my place. What’s done is done.

Decisions were made on some issues, and all parties need to respect those decisions and move on. ALL PARTIES INVOLVED.

@AvaDancer If anyone is harassing you or won’t leave you alone after you’ve told them to do so, please report it to the Devs.


It was not harassment. I just do not like forum users working behind the scenes to isolate other users. Seems mean to me. Actually, I am hoping that the player who did this will see my post and stop doing this in the future.


I’ve both sent and received PMs like this in the past.

Received “out of the blue” and sent due to a desire to clarify a point that someone seems confused about or is making an issue when a quick/open clarification is forbidden, most often by the name and shame rule.

sigh yep. Sadly also equatable to “workplace politics” or any situation where someone might pull another aside to quietly try and clarify a situation. Or just generate positive/negative feelings, in any group situation. “Politics” rarely needs a modifier to get nasty.

Agreed. If you don’t care, ignore it. If it continues, report harassment.

To be clear for others I have no idea what (specific issue) you’re talking about, or major vex. I’ve distanced myself from the forum lately a good amount.

However as a counterpoint to this statement it’s also very difficult to watch someone hide behind a general code of conduct or other social rule and use it to be hypocritical or bluntly lie/misinform others about their own activities.

Sometimes taking moves to isolate an individual from a group is healthy for the group.

Sadly as an uninvolved party there’s no way to tell who is doing what in that sort of scenario.


MajorVex hit the nail on the head here. Please report to us if anyone is harassing you. We can’t take action if we aren’t made aware :slightly_smiling_face:


Sometimes I think we need reminders of right and wrong…ty leah

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To be fair, the forum has a culture of no-shame where you can’t name a person who did something bad, which might force players to talk in general terms (which I’m doing in this very post), or talk in private.
So if someone contacted AvaDancer in private, I’d say it’s likely directly related to that no-shame culture thing.

I personally have sent messages to a handful of players like 6 months ago because they were involved in a debate with someone which was getting too heated and wasn’t going anywhere anyway. I did it to prevent some threads from burning down in flames (further than they were).
I know, right? Coming from the guy who always seems to come in threads with a flame-thrower!

But I’m also quite curious to know who could have recently sent a message to Ava or who it was targeting. There aren’t that many bad actors on the forum.

I mean, there are people who complain, but honestly, it comes from the right place.
I think the people who complain about the quantity of drama and complainers are doing just as much wrong as those who bring drama and complaints.

I can definitely relate to that, as I felt how the CoC can be quite vague. To be fair, it can hardly be more specific, but there can clearly be some people who will walk a fine line on the inner border of what the CoC allows.

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so…you are complaining about those who complain against the complainers who have something to complain about because you consider that the latter complainer’s complaints are complainant with the forums CoC :upside_down_face:


I mean, at some level, you’re either happy or complaining, right?

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I think you can be happy yet make suggestions.

I hate it that people are now lumping all people with suggestions (or who find bugs) as complainers.

That said, I’m mostly done with suggestions and polls myself. I’m tired of the abuse.

Honestly I think there should be two forums: one for chat about the game, trading and showing off your build; another for suggestions and bugs. That way those who don’t want to see suggestions or bug reports won’t have to see them. It’s sad that such a thing would be necessary, but it is IMO.

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chat about the game: General
trading: Trading
showing off your build: Creations
suggestions: Suggestions
bugs: Community Support


I think DK meant to really divide the playerbase between those who are happy with how the game currently is and just want to trade/share/chat and those who want to suggest/complain so that the two groups don’t mix too much.

I don’t agree with him on his solution, but I get where he’s coming from.

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Goblin got it
Maybe have a settings option for forums to hide suggestions?

Or simply to hide the sections James highlighted if you don’t care to read them.
I don’t know, maybe that’s actually an option we already have. ^^

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Try that mute field.


I’ll be peffectly honest with you dk, your suggestions aren’t the problem with your suggestion posts. A suggestion post isn’t just about your opinion, its about a conversation with different viewpoints for the devs to see different sides of a subject. Without an opposing view, you just live in an echo chamber. When we post our opinion against a suggestion, it isn’t an attack, just a different viewpoint. You getting frustrated over people who don’t like your suggestions is kind of silly, since its not about winning or losing, but information.


I have no problem with discussion, it’s about tone. Too many people bash excessively, or attack the suggested etc. it’s very demoralizing to someone who wants to help improve the game.


Dk is 100% correct… suggestions are suggestions… no one should bash the person nor should they bash the suggestion with the intention of shuttung them down.

Read, take a step back, and be Considerate in how one responds to people. I have been guilty of this in past allowing my passion to get to me when i would feel people are disrespectful… i probably hurt some people along the way… definitely regret that. No matter how someone treats you badly, It is you that controls your response. All of us should try to remember that FOR REAL.

If player John and Fred have different views and do not want to shift their views to “your” way of thinking THAT IS PERFECTLY FINE… do not attack one anothet directly or using one of the othet “quieter tactics” such as passive-aggression, or whispering in people’s ears behind their backs…its all the same counterproductive behavior that just makes a BIG MESS within the community.

Let us all STOP Together…

I mean, it’s like earlier when I said “I don’t agree with him on his solution, but I get where he’s coming from.”
Could’ve easily said “damn DK you crazyyyyyyyy, yo, get dat head of yours out of your @$$!” (no offense DK, just kidding).
But it is all about tone.

It’s annoying to share your opinion and feel like it’s twisted, ignored or getting some nasty remark for having said opinion. Like in the emoji debate, someone was calling us ‘ingrates’.
That kind of thing.


Very true. A couple of mutes can fix that since most people on this forum are fairly cognizant of their wording choices. I have people I keep on permanent mute and its mainly because they quickly devolve into attacking others or do the poor me thing when people disagree with them. My forum experience has been top notch since then since we can still choose to see their replies and stop seeing them when they start to get nasty.

Edit: to clarify the poor me thing, they just have issues dealing with opposing opinions.


No idea who you’re talking about. < cough > < cough >

Imma go back to work now. Byyyyyye!

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