This amounts to 13.8 essence times 2.8c or 38.64c per large fossil. There may be a little spark cost but, yeah…
There is similar math for all fossils
Throwing a large fossil directly into the chrysominter will net you a whopping 0.3c. It’s important to look at what you can do with your items before you dump them. There are experience and coffers to be had here too.
The devs are honestly throwing us a huge bone with this thing. It’s on us to be aware.
Are you simply comparing the materials used to create 1 mass craft worth of the resulted crafted item to get these values like 3c for Iron and Copper Bars along with Ancient Vital Essence from Large Fossils?
There’s an interesting potential scenario here. If we all started buying fossils off other players who would rather just sell them instead of processing themselves, for a value that would currently net us a profit but be attractive for the seller, the fossil value in the player economy could inflate. Then, the essence value might inflate too, since it becomes a more valuable good anyway…
I mean, this could happen with any item to be fair… And it’s also only my own speculation.
I think you’re using more complicated math than there needs to be in order to figure out what kind is worth sticking in the Chrysominter compared to what isn’t.
Yes this is the exact point I’ve been trying to make. The chrysominter is going to cause inflation on various goods as James said markets will be created where none currently seem to exist. As a result this will have an effect of causing some goods to go up in price as things like fossils and essence becomes ‘used’ an an actual value being created.
I can’t tell you how many thousands upon thousands essences and corruption and growth and so much more I’d had stored up waiting for a day I could use it. That day never really came until the chrysominter. I could put it for sale but at 1c it rarely ever sold.
Are you earning more than you spent to acquire the Large Fossil or even Medium Fossil. Yes? Great, enjoy the profit you made from the Chrysominter. If not and you have a loss, then sucks to be you.
Also, a piece of data like 36c per Large Fossil being converted into Ancient Vital Essence to be minted off is very misleading. At least it is to me. A better and more directly useful piece of data is saying that 1 Mass Craft of 18 Large Fossil gives 250 Ancient Vital Essence and is worth 700c in the Chrysominter.
That’s just me. I just don’t see any point in knowing how many Ancient Vital Essence a Large Fossil is making in a Mass Craft.
I think that a lot of people will find this sort of information useful.
It’s not only important to the value of a large fossil. It’s an important pattern to note.
The chrysominter is being directly used to encourage the processing and/or crafting of certain items. If someone was offering, say, less than 10 coins for an item, and I found that satisfactory with regards to the original cost of acquiring the item, I might be willing to sell it for a price somewhere between it’s raw value and it’s processed value.
I’d be pretty chapped if I sold a bunch thinking they were worthless right now. And personally I’ll be looking at what I can make with an item before I sell any raw materials at this time.
Simple as, if you buy fossils at or below:
Small 4c
Medium 14c
Large 37c
Turn it into Ancient Vital Essence and sell it to the chrisominter you’ll be making profit.
Just be careful if you buy large quantities of it, you may not be able to turn it all into Essence before a price change occurs with the chrysominter (pure speculation on my part). It takes literally days to make smart stacks of the large essence!
Great tip though… I now know why my stacks of large fossils were flying off the shelf at 13c each. Put the price up for now to match the chrysominter value
The thing is they aren’t worth that much. All we’re seeing is the first signs of something new put into the game that’s directly going to create the one thing people shouldn’t have been asking for in the first place: forced price floors and ceilings. My prediction is it’s going to cause artificially inflated shop prices.
But I guess that also depends on how often the mint values update and so far I don’t think any of it has updated.
Ima big enough population, the chrysominter never is needed I don’t think. We’re at this point because of the population. You need ceilings/floors in this case as so many items have no value and are just horded in shelves in hopes it does get a use in the future and everyone is prepared. The chrysominter is no different than new recipes in that regard. It’s just the chrysominter is giving us a recipe to make 100coins when trash gets thrown in.
It’s band aid for sure but as we see more recipes added to the game to use these mats we will see less and less use of the chrysominter, I think
I disagree. The fact that pretty much every single shop has been picked clean of large fossils and other items as well is a clear indication that people aren’t using it for what it was intended for.
We don’t need price ceilings or floors. What I’ve been seeing is people slowly increasing the price of certain items and making them inflated in price in their shops just because of this thing. There for those items will sell less and the volume of those items will go up but price won’t drop in relation to that fast enough. At some point people will just stop using it completely and we won’t be getting new recipes. So we’ll be back right where were started before we had it.
Well, at the same time, how long have you had an item like large fossils or ancient corruption or hell anything in previously minimal value just sit on the basket and not sale? Wouldn’t you have liked to receive something for that item?
I quit running my shop I had at the beginning because it was so dependent on your location and the ability to keep portals open. Even now in a mall, if you don’t advertise on the forums or discord regularly, it’s hard to generate foot traffic to come buy things.
Outside of adding new recipes to increase these items value and stimulate a market where one doesn’t or barely exists, how else could this have been dealt with? I just think we’re going to start seeing prices get a true value for the time it takes to get items that seemingly had no value because they were used so little.
First of all, I don’t sell items at a price point that won’t move them. If an item is not selling no matter what, I find another use for it. I might storage the item for the time being in preparation to use it to create an end product, such as slingbow augments. It’s your own fault for not doing what you can to generate sales in your shop. That’s shopkeeping 101.
Also, you mention advertising. The fact is people don’t advertise at all. They don’t even ask about the forums, the discord, various communities, etc. They don’t post on Reddit or even in the Steam forums. Again, it’s the shop owner’s fault for not figuring out solutions to drive traffic to their shop to get footfall and item sales.
I don’t think we’re going to start seeing true value on stuff. Rocks aren’t even worth 0.01c at the item market level. I highly doubt they’d go up in value anytime soon.
We will see though. One of the cool things about virtual economies is things could change 2 weeks from now because of something the devs have done. I am just not liking how specific items are targeted by price inflation and it has nothing to do with their actual demand or supply being affected. It has everything to do with how much free money someone can get from them.