Owned worlds shouldn't cost plots


In order for there to be unlimited plots for your own planet, there would need to be a trade off. Since you earn exp and cubits on your world you would be earning plots with no where to put them.

This becomes a problem for the main universe and its limited space without increasing Wonderstrucks cost.

Just my 2c.

Maybe the answer is that it allows you to go into plot debt on your own planet. So you can plot as much as you want putting you in the negative.

This would protect the public universe and allow building as you want.

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How much irl money does 1000 plots cost?
Adding that amount to the cost of renting a world I think would greatly reduce to number of worlds rented.
You must be trying to help WS have a lot less work to do by having fewer customers.

But giving away (for free) whatever 1000 plots cost in actual dollars and cents to every player who rents a world wouldn’t be all that smart financially either would it?

It wasn’t a serious suggestion by the way, it was just a way of illustrating a point.

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By this logic they should limit how many plots any player can place in the public universe.

I can earn xp just as fast on the public side of the universe as on a sovereign planet. And if I have a sovereign planet purely for resources, then I may be keeping 99% of my plots in the public universe anyway. And why should I not keep plots in the public universe? I paid the same as anyone else did for access to the public universe so I should be able to plot there the same as any other player.

Who are we protecting the public universe from anyway? The player that earns a few thousand plots grinding away for 2 years for the resources to build on their sovereign planet or the ones that already have over 20k plots?


That is the cycle that is managed by the game devs.

How quickly we level, how many cubits we get, how many cubits it costs for plots.

As we play for longer and longer they need to ensure there is balance so that the public universe doesn’t become too crowded via plots or they will need to add planets for a relatively small player base.

This problem becomes larger if people are given ‘unlimited’ plots on their own planet AND are still earning them at the same rate as every other player. Since the main reason plots are given to a player is to build their base. I feel it is pretty fair to say that the majority of players use the majority of their plots on their base.

So if you remove the ‘main’ drain for plots, they just accrue but the balance is removed for those players.

It removes balance from the game. That will either result in plots becoming harder for everyone to get, or some other change needed to ensure the universe doesn’t become too expensive.

Plots are just a mechanic. They need to remain balanced.


Here a post from James.

He said “Open for feedback” about the Plots but the community voted for no extra plots.

I voted for unlimited but I was also fine with 1000 plots per period. But most of the community vote for no extra plots and I respect that.


This is likely. . the existing player base has players with enough plots to cover huge portions of the lower tier planets and they are doing so. That is evident whenever you use the plot viewer and look at various planets in the sky. So adding the Sovereign planets does not accelerate this process.

I would argue that Sovereign planets should also not be the solution to this problem. The expectation should not be that the addition of the sovereign planets will allow for more space on the remaining planets. That is the players solving a game issue and not the developers. If there is a balance issue to the game in that players are earning too many plots then address that issue directly.

It’s part of the survival universe and should run under the same survival rules.

What’s next? Free portals for survival worlds so they can connect themselves easier because it would be an issue telling them to hunt or buy Oort for the next years?


I fully expect that to happen. As the game ages and we get more and more plots, the limited public planets get used up more and more. We’ve seen the first corrective action with compactness. I fully expect them to limit the number of plots we can plot on public worlds some time in the future and if you really need a gigantic build, rent a planet.

What’s next? Anything that does not break the public universe or the game Is possible. Things that might upset players? Those happen already and that alone should not be the sole reason for not adding something in game. Plots on a sovereign planet do not break the game or the universe. They do not occupy space in the public universe and they do not eliminate the need to level for skills and cubits.


And you could be right. At some point they may have to stop a player with 100k plots from using them all on a single planet. Maybe they did not expect players to accumulate plots as quickly. Maybe they did not expect players to play the game for more than a few years and then quit removing their plots from the overall pool. Maybe they expected constant player growth, which would lead to an ever increasing number of public planets. But this probably off topic.


I have to add something as a side note that is very funny to me anytime someone talks about unlimited plots: have you ever plotted like couple of 100 plots in one go? It’s an effing chore. I’d rather do anything else than plot land. Even if someone had unlimited plots sure as hell they wouldn’t spend their days plotting :joy: I’m sure people will disagree, but take it lighthearted, it’s just funny to me how people correlate unlimited plots with someone actually plotting a whole planet, or even just significant parts of it.
There is 147456 plots in one level of one 3km world and 4718592 plots if you count in the height. Nobody can plot it all, like nobody. You still have to walk through it all, make plotting tool (and like a lot of those) and so on and so on. What’s the fight all about? :smiley:

As a side note side note: laughs in creative :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
As a side note side note side note: my creative failed to generate properly :sob:


The fight is all about trying to bypass earning or purchasing those plots like normal.

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It’s a rhetorical question, thank you kind sir for answering :heart:

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What if fuel for the sovereign world came with plots for the purchaser of fuel? The plots would be tied directly to the sovereign world and would disappear with the planet, if left unfurled.

+30 days could could come with 100 plots tied to the planet that it gets redeemed with


That’s an acceptable solution. Not overboard. Gives you a small Incentive to keep your planet fueled. And equates to about 1200 plots a year added onto what you already would earn or purchase


Well then how about unlimited Z axis plotting on owned worlds? So if you plot a 2x2 area from mantle to ceiling it only costs 4 plots. This setting could be turned off by people who prefer to spend 88 plots instead.


Honestly, I feel that’s how plotting should work in general, since it is impossible for beacons to overlap the 2-dimensional beacon map that exists in a 3-dimensional plane. Each new column of plots should be 1, and the ratio of plots we get be reduced drastically to match the new plotting style.


No, it’s not.

Players were told that the ability to create large builds without other players messing with the distant skyline would come with Sovereigns.

Now those players are fighting because they’re being told that actually they can’t make large builds without playing the game for years or shelling out Literally Thousands of Dollars for cubits -
a resource that was specifically designed to ration access to the public worlds.

That’s not to say that there aren’t also valid arguments against infinite plotting on sovereigns, but not even acknowledging the fact that The Game Is Different Now and that these players have valid points is arguing in bad faith.


Yep I think if they were to make a change like this it should be applied to all players, not just those on sovereigns.