Owned worlds shouldn't cost plots

i disagree 100% sorry bud.

lets just keep creative and sovereign separated ok?
I’m really getting worried by the demands that gets posted, but i want, but this is , but that is,
when you rent a sovereign you already knew it will use the same plot system as the current planets
and that you are also limited to plotting yourself with the current plots you have free to spend.
adding this (unlimited plotting) to a sovereign for planet owners is just going to create more issues.
i just wonder why from the start of the game when i started… when it was actually boundless
now i feel we are getting more bound with all these wishes and demands.
cant we just keep boundless boundless?

sometimes its good to not post and accept the changes the game has made
sometimes good, sometimes bad, but like i said before you cannot win everything, sometimes you got to lose too

and this is just another silly topic :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I completely agree with the OP, I was a little disappointed to find out that sovereign worlds don’t come with unlimited plots for the owner.

I disagree with all of the P2W arguments for many reasons, but primarily I don’t think anyone can “win” Boundless and even if someone can, it wouldn’t stop someone else from also winning. Someone else’s giant, majestic build on their sovereign planet doesn’t make my build any smaller or uglier.

People can already buy plots via cubits with real money - so actually, I think giving planet owners unlimited plotting would even out the playing field, it would be anti-P2W. It’s much cheaper to buy a planet and get unlimited plotting than it is too buy enough plots to cover an entire planet (which is already possible).

Most people (myself included) aren’t even allowing plotting from others on their sovereign world. So it’s just a lot of space that can’t be used ):


I do not see where the problem is. Wonderstruck released this update after months of drama and complaints. You can rent your own planet while adhering to the mechanics of the game (its spinal cord) or you go for the total creative but lose in challenge and excitement. I think the team has thought about it very well and that the balance is there. I have the impression that soon some players will demand to wear the underwear of the developers …


I’d like it if I could make it unlimited plots for anyone plotting, just friends, just guild mates, just me.

Alternatively separate shop items:

  • expand player count
  • unlock unlimited plotting
  • ???
  • profit

I think the big problem isn’t “PTW” with unlimited plotting on Sovereign worlds, it is the fact that no one in their right mind would ever buy plots using the existing method of purchasing cubits. Anyone who has spent $100’s or maybe even $1000’s buying plots in the past would feel a little ripped off that someone can now have a planet with unlimited plots for just $10 a month. And anyone who as unlocked tens of thousands of plots the old fashioned way (levelling up) would feel even more ripped off that it was a rather pointless exercise now that they can just spend $10 a month for more than they could ever need.

The whole point of playing in the “Survival Universe” is that you choose to play by the Survival Universe rules not just the rules that you like.

The point of a sovereign planet is simply to give you a planet where you can be free from the actions of other players, free from prestige and territory “wars”, free from drama. A place where you can have a planet that looks the way you want it to look, where there isn’t a giant gleam high-rise on every horizon, where there aren’t 5 hunt platforms at the center of every region. (OR… if you like gleam towers and platforms, then you can have those!)


I’ve spent a few hundred dollars on plots and I wouldn’t be upset if planet owners were given unlimited!

When sovereigns were announced, I assumed/guessed/hoped (wrongfully, obviously) that plotting would work differently than it does on public planets.

I get the concerns and understand the opposing arguments, but ultimately we all play Boundless differently, with different intentions and goals in mind.

Giving me unlimited plots on my sovereign world isn’t going to hurt anyone else’s gameplay - I’m not a good or impressive enough builder to steal any thunder :stuck_out_tongue: But of course it will ■■■■ people off, which I think is the only real problem that we’re avoiding.

Seems to me like the choice isn’t really “what’s best for the game” but actually “what’s going to upset the fewest people”. Maybe those are the same question, just from a different perspective.

Regardless, I’m not mad or anything, just disappointed. Still playing 25 hours daily with no intention of stopping. Loving my sovereign world and seeing everyone else’s creations!


Merci, vous l’avez mieux exprimé que moi ci-dessus. Je t’embaucherai la prochaine fois que j’ai envie d’exprimer des trucs xD

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So, so true.

Where do i sign up


Is this why we don’t have better totems and fists? :frowning:

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And if the fewest amount of people are getting upset then isn’t it what’s best for the game??

Haha! And honestly I would continue playing just as many unreasonable hours per day if they made them unlimited, but I would be a little upset that all the effort that I’ve put into earning the plots to build big were granted to someone so easily.

But again the main reason I think is… play by all the rules not just the ones you choose. Because I have no issue with plots I want to be able to fly on the planet I’ve paid for if you get to have your unlimited plots. And perhaps another person wants to have all crafting times eliminated on theirs. And another person wants to have all blocks available free from the “give” menu… etc

Unpopular Opinion, do not click if easily offended

You have a choice between abiding by all the rules of the survival game or none of them at all. Sovereign vs Creative. If you wanted to buy a planet that bypassed the rulesets then you should of purchased a creative. It is still attached to the MMO worlds… so why would you choose sovereign?


I would like to see more plots with my sovereign that are only useable on that sovereign. Since it’s a planet I payed for and can control who goes there it really doesn’t follow the rules of the universe.

I’m still really confused on the argument against this, and fail to see the logic. As long as the plots are tied to that rented planet and not available to be used in the regular universe it’s not effecting anyone else.

If they offered a adder package to have unlimited plotting on the planet I would probably pay it.

On another note, I’m willing to bet this moves towards crying about a broken economy from players who own sovereign worlds get control who goes to their world.


Not necessarily no. If you had (example numbers to keep this easy) 100 players, and you implement something that makes 90 of them happy, you think you’ve done great. Until you realise that you’re made a decision that kept a further 400 people from even considering your game in the first place. It’s all about perspective.

I doubt it. Not giving out pre-order items isn’t about making people mad, because there is a simple solution to it. Releasing alternative tools with the same stats that look different. That way people get to keep their pre-order bonus and be happy, and people who want them for the stats get them too. Simples.


Thanks to Google Translate:

Vous êtes les bienvenus

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Lets just take a breath and think about a second could you even consider writing things like this about refunds and such To other companies?

Wonderstruck has always been fair At least what ive seen. They have their vision about things.
While i said i agree with OP… Some People here like example @wakeNbake brought In some valid conserns… So i allow myself To walk away from the OP s side and agree with others Who are against this.


It’s funny, it seems for the same reason (some) people don’t want unlimited plots on sovereign worlds, I don’t want to play on creative! I quite like the rules and limitations - once every block is available in unlimited quantity, it’s less fun for me.

I guess I just don’t see plots the same way I see blocks. Like even with unlimited plots, I’m still gonna have to work to get those blocks.

But your point is valid, I don’t want other people to feel duped. I just want us all to win and have what we want lol



And I do see your point of view and I understand why this will be the exact same line of thinking many others have.

I wonder if there could be some kind of solution or middle ground.

If given the option, could turning off footfall on the planet be a trade off for unlimited plots?

Or some other kind of solution

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I think you ment to say, “anyone who has unlocked tens of thousands of plots the old fashioned way (ABUSING THE SYSTEM)”

They took away that ability hence why players cant earn tens of thousands of plots anymore.

No more popping a teaching pie and standing in front of crafting tables for free levels. The only players who can properly make use of their planets are the ones who leveled using this method, but it’s unfair now for others to get help with plots :face_with_raised_eyebrow: