Paid cosmetic blocks (skins for blocks, not blocks) with no prestige

Here’s the thing: I don’t have time to grind 20h a week for couple 100 decorative wood blocks I need for my build. I’m a builder, that’s the kick I get from Boundless and Minecraft and Creativerse and so on. Occasionally I will go for a hunt, gathering, mining and so on but if crafting blocks is out of balance for time I can put into game I won’t play it. Period.
Also I don’t mind putting money into game, first it supports devs and game, second as I said I can’t play if I need to grind like mad since I don’t have the time for that.
I get that balance needs to be challenging for hard core players, but I don’t have time for that.
Another thing is that even on weeks when I managed to put in the time I forgot what I wanted to do with blocks by the time I have crafted them (which was days after the initial idea).

@james are there any plans for something like that?

UPDATE: I meant skins for blocks, not buying blocks, but set of skins you can apply to blocks, you’d still have to have blocks that come from environment

UPDATE 2: block skins wouldn’t affect prestige, so if you “skin” block that has prestige value of 20 it would remain on that. E.g. skinning stones into decorative wood would leave prestige at stones original value

Also maybe it would be good to allow players to grind for those skins too.

Update 3: as @Havok40k mentioned, there was concept art for stickers, I guess this would be pretty much the same thing just adjusted to cover the whole block


I haven’t played Creativerse much lately, but don’t they offer blueprints and design/block packs? I enjoyed using those. Update: they do…

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Boundless took most of my gaming time past two years, so I haven’t followed Creativerse lately :wink:


A couple deco wood blocks dont take 20hrs. :expressionless:

Crafting times to me are about right. This isnt a plop in game and build a huge place in 2-3 hours type game.

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I’m happy to hear your definition of what this game is, but I don’t agree.

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So everyone should just start the game with all items in hand?

Would make no sense and most people would get bored super fast.

Next update they are cutting some crafting times down on beginner items.

Its also crazy to say a few deco wood takes 20hrs to craft.
You can even find it like 4-5c most places.

We already have a ton of people leaving because not enough content. Imagine if they hit that idea faster because everything is instant crafted.

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People don’t have to pay for cosmetic blocks, they can grind. You wouldn’t have them instantly, you would need to pay for them. Also I didn’t said you can pay for clearing up space, actually putting blocks and removing them until you build up what you want, you can’t pay for location finding you have to find one on your own.
My last build (not finished) is on tier 6 world, embedded in mountain, very involved to clear up space for build. I don’t mind that, but spending time gathering materials for crafting is not that fun for me.
Not sure if you got it but I said those need to be paid for so not everyone would have them instantly. People are complaining about game being priced at what $40 or something like that, you really think someone would pay $10 for cosmetic blocks unless it was completely what they want?
Oh, also people are leaving game with current system so I’m not sure where your argument is coming from? You might think it’s because “not enough content”, but that might not be the case.

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If everything was instantly crafted I would play more not less, but that is not the point. The point is if you want casual and non-casual players then for a builder, it cannot take as much time as it does to gather materials or the casual builder probably finds another game. The suggestion is an alternative way to get building materials.


I don’t like the idea of fixing the “grind” with microtransactions at all …

Whats the problem with deco wood, the wood or the wax?
For the wood you just need a to find a huge tree prefab of the correct color once and use an AoE axe and regen bombs.
The axe, bombs and waxy yams can be bought from player shops.

Every “grind” in this game comes down to an optimization problem.
Even if the optimization is to buy it from other players sometimes. Stuff is sooo cheap nowadays.


Bought with what? I have to go grind for something that I can actually sell to get the coin to buy the wax or the components for wax.

Not aimed at you in particular but buying is only an option if you have coin and for a lot of players footfall does not provide enough coin to eliminate having to gather or mine for items to sell. So I can either grind for it myself or grind for something else then find a shop that is buying what I have and has coin in the baskets. If a player has limited time both options have them spending it on non- building activities. Some of that is necessary or it is a creative mode sandbox, but when is enough, enough?

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As much as I do like the idea of supporting the devs with certain types of MTs. I do not agree with just being able to flat out buy blocks, that is to far down the instant gratification lane for my taste, there needs to be some effort put in to the build more then opening your wallet and buying everything. And as long as the devs insist on treating this game like its supposed to be an „MMO“ then thats how i will feel about the situation, If they want a pure sandbox game then fine, I would support this.

What I would support however, is them selling something that can be placed over existing blocks that changes what they look like at the cost of reducing its prestige value by a %, that way you still have to go out and collect something. even if it is just rock.

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Ok, I might have worded it wrong, but that’s what I meant, I meant skins, not buying blocks.

Like i said, it’s an optimization problem.
Sometimes it’s most efficient to actually gather what you need and then it’s possible to optimize it like hell.
A good example for me is inky leaf and glowing lamella. I almost never find players selling them at a price that I’m willing to pay.
And then I get my atlas, go to the right planet and after 20-30 mins I have what I need.

Now that I think about it … a lot of the gathering stuff feels grindy to me because it’s repetitive not because it actually takes long.
I took the time a couple of times when i gathered stuff and it’s usually under 30 mins even when it felt like it took an eternity.

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For me it’s a “I adore this game, but I don’t have 20h a week to put into it” problem.


Only if those can also be obtained without spending money. Also, have to be obtainable without having to spend cubits, just the normal game grind…

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So just making sure I understand it right. You’d get no prestige even for the block under the “skin”? That I get and would buy even. But can also see the “grinding” people that get the skin complaining about no prestige for the skin they just grinded to get. Or do you just get the base prestige for the block that’s under the skin no extra?

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Ok I can agree somewhat that the repetitiveness of mining makes it boring. Running into mobs, caves lava does nothing to make it less boring to me.

I also think it takes to long to get what I need to build but if it was more interesting of a task I might not care as much.

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I imagine that would be fair :slight_smile:

I’ve updated original post.

I dont know if any progress has been made toward implementing these or the specifics of how they might work, but I believe it fits the bill of what OP @Spoygg is asking for.

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I remember those :slight_smile: IIRC those were not covering entire block, but I guess if that’s implemented sometime it’s just a matter of adjusting graphic to cover entire block. That would work nicely :+1: