PC vs PS4

Should be


I think are the 2 that change draw distance and detail, I haven’t done it in awhile. I believe the objectLodIndex brings up the details of distance blocks. I didn’t raise it as much as the lodSettingIndex.

Some mice come with software that lets you rebind the buttons themselves, but you can also just go into control settings in the game and tell the game to use the mouse buttons. I use both methods, depending on what I need to do.


Wait people actually like hookshot?

It’s such a plaque! Down with hookshot!



Oh, and the forum is way easier on PC. I never could get my quotes to work consistently on mobil.

"lodSettingsIndex": 20, 4=>20
"objectLodIndex": 20, 7=>70

top of the image always max settings from ingame and bottem with the edit settings

and i like it :grin:

ingame screenshots for the result

lot more details in the left green building, and it render nearly the complete azure line around my base

you can see nearly the complete farm now

a lot more details on my gleam wall, and you can see the chest & sign between the gleam

without the higher settings the city looks not so nice, but with the higher settings it looks real nice

the higher settings cost me ~20-30 fps but the gpu do not need much more power like the normal settings

i think i will raise it ~20-30% more that i can maybe see the complete base & farm :joy:

:+1: i hate hookshot


you dont need PS plus
dont kill your mouse button when crafting use spacebar like pro
keep ya butt running in background for good dealz
discord for good chats
and youtube for nice mining / killing tunes
steam friends i like alot aswell to chat without weird chat menu in private and to see if they pop on
dual screens you def need
this thing pc hooked up to tv and laying down in couch is pretty sweet way to game


Very nice, the detail and distance edits really do make a massive difference lol


Yep was probably me, I love them!

Shame they are basically PS4 controllers and you can’t use them on a native PS5 game so I now have to do without back paddles for many games. Tho am sure Scuf comes with a new controller soon


yes, i maked now a 3. try with change from 20=>30 no effect, than my idea was that the cache is to small. i changed chunkCacheSizeMB from max ingame 8192 to 12288, but it has still no effect. thats why i go back to 20.

it always render for a very short time (around 1-2 second) the complete area and than merge a part together. At the beginn(after enter this are via portal/warp) the red marked are is renderd too, but i dont know which part i need to change for this, that it will not do this.

but i think on ps4/5 it will never render nearly this big area

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Yea I’ve only ever changed those main edits that I showed above. Beyond that is best guess to me lol.


how do you do it? do you put it somewhere using the debug menu?

Not you actually have to go in through explorer in your computer to access files associated with the game.

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Amen, brother :joy:


giphy (4)


some file path talk here

Post Your Screenshots! - Creations - Boundless Community (playboundless.com)


What is this “hookshot” that I keep seeing mentioned everywhere? :slight_smile:


Forge trait on grapples. It autoreels the moment it lands and grapples something, and keeps doing that at a slightly faster reel speed than normal grapples. Also reels you in a straight line ignoring gravity compared to regular grapples ‘swinging’ you being affected by gravity.


Did someone say Spider-Man? I’m on PS4, btw.

lol… yea, I’m not there yet. I might need to understand a bit more before I start messing with languages I do not understand.

For anyone that would like to do the chat and compass thing, I used the first instructions, here:

My previous quotes:

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