Player created prefab support

Is this still a thing? Something for builders and creators to chew on, possibly?


I support this!! I would be all over buying a build!!.. I like building but don’t have the time to do it and play the other parts of the game… time is short!! Prefab and have fun !!! Dooo iiiitttt!!!

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If you have the worldbuilder you can play with this.


Sorry PS4…sadly oblivious to the PC gamer charms… :sob:

Pleeeeeeeeeeeease I want

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It’s part of the World Builder and how we get prefabs into the generation process. Obviously PC only.

The Sanctum editor was a quick hack to see what an edit in the game game might be like. I’d personally like to expand this into a full prefab, blueprint and even creative mode.


Gotcha. I was curious to see if we could crowdsource more prefabs for some of the exo spawns or similar.