Player Made Exploration Ideas

Thought of a few things I wish were in the game so we could make fun little puzzles and rewards for other players.

Very Tiny Sign

It’s a stone sign, but it’s very tiny. So tiny it doesn’t display any text on the front so you’ll have to interact with it to read more.

Great for making scavenger hunts or hiding secret messages.

Reward Chest

You specify a reward (items or coins) and fill the chest up with lots of the reward. Players can interact with it once-per-account to claim the reward. The claim list will be remembered by the server as long as you don’t destroy the chest.

Great for rewarding players who make it through your maze; or find your secret area; or finish your jumping puzzle.


It’s a block you can place that anyone can interact with to sign their name and/or write a message. Like the reward chest it remembers them until you destroy the block. It obeys parental control settings, possibly only showing “5 players have signed”.

This has been suggested for a lot of uses, but the specific use case for this thread would be to create geocaching in-game.

Puzzle Blocks

A new item called Puzzle Tech combines with any block to create a Puzzle Block. Puzzle blocks look like the original block but anyone in the plot can “break” them with tools!

Technically speaking the server doesn’t track the state of these blocks; only your local client does. So when you “break” it, it’s still there for everyone else. Just not for you. The local cache is cleared if you leave the planet or go to sanctum.

These are for making secret entrances or burying rewards.

Combination Locks

A special kind of lock that opens for anyone who knows the combination. The combo is entered in colors (red-red-blue-yellow), so you can give hints to the combination lots of different ways. Spell it out on a sign, hide gleam in the matching color around the area, etc.

These are for making lock-and-key style doors that players who solve your puzzle are able to open.

Figured I’d set my mind back on some forward-facing ideas since I’ve spent so much time in the nerf parade lately. Merry oortmas!


These are some awesome ideas!
I especially like the tiny sign, reward chest and combination lock! :smiley:


These I like!

Or is there a hidden NERF I missed? :joy: kidding kidding !

Tho the first one could be done with a normal sign if it doesnt need to be hidden.

This game needs more interaction, have been hunkering for secret entrances and such for a while.