Players where are you playing

This is a total random thought over breakfast while checking the forums. It is 100% a guess and was just wondering. No implication or suggestion involved.

Are the people still playing mainly Americans etc? I’ve noticed that when I log on to look, most posts are 8 or 9 hrs old. And basic time zone guessing means that they are likely American posts. Whilst I have to admit the UK etc will likely be working or what not, it just intrigued me to see it.

I know Americans do generally have a cheerier outlook (probably because it isn’t always raining) and it made me think, are you the ones keeping the game active. It could alternatively be that it’s just because a lot of EU players may not have strong English and therefore don’t post here……who knows. Just a different topic than oh no, game doomed or whatnot


The moon.
Using your reasoning I should be incredibly happy (no rain at all) but there is also no oxygen, which is a bit of a downer.


Canadian here :slight_smile: it’s early morning for me and usually my prime boundless time!


Can confirm, UK here and currently working

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Canadian also. Seems to be a couple of us.


US East here.


I’m in US East. I’m usually not around until the evening and not for long during weekdays cause you know, responsibilities. Weekends are a wildcard tho, as I can be around from not at all to the majority of the day.

I’m American… not sure that one’s location will help determine who is keeping the game alive, but helping out in DK Mall and being the people person I am I can say that I have met many Germans, Canadians and really a whole lot of varying players from other places.

I’ve come to realize that the current playerbase leans towards PS players and that playerbase and their locations vary quite a bit also.

The people that are keeping the game alive are people that enjoy the game, ones location won’t help you there and generalizing someone because of where they are from is kind of odd. I will say though that I am glad Americans are viewed as more cheery though.


It’s yet another rainy day here in S.Ontario Canada .


This is the most likely one, speaking as an European.

Theres a lot of French and German signs around Dzassak whenever I stroll around there, so it seems to have quite a few who aren’t using English.

Winland. (-. -)


After longer break I am somewhat back logging in and hunting or exploring sovereigns (my new hobby kinda, checking on peoples private planets, mostly t3-4).

I am Polish playing from Ireland - I have mixed playing time: can be morning, an be afternoon, can be a night session. I think I might be online soon.


Wha wha what! I’m southern Ontario, Canada as well. I guess there’s something in the water that creates awesome builders. Hahaha.


AUSSIE here and it’s nearly bed time :yawning_face:


I’ve told my husband for years that I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland. I know this sounds silly, but I collect Fairys, and anything I’ve ever read or seen on movies about them, say they originate from Ireland. I know I’m wierd haha


American, its almost 9am my time. Est

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My sister-in-law collects fairies and angels (little statues that is) - well, collect is maybe overstated, but she buys them as decor for living room or bedroom, so there are probably a dozen of them around the house at least.

I have been drawn to Irish imagery, mythology and all way before I settled on the green island, although I am more into books and such:

And my favourite Pre-Raphaelites often painted fairies, so it’s not hard to come across little people even among serious artists’ work:


American, central time here!

Yes my collection is little statues and figurines for my bedroom. I have probably a couple dozen. Also I have around 20 or more books. Oh, I about forgot. I do have 2 fairy tattoos as well.

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Now I’m gonna have to look for that book lol

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