Please Nerf This

Honestly, the reason for the post was to soften the blow for whenever this gets fixed. So hopefully people would be like “Oh ya, that needed fixing.”

I mean the thread isn’t called “please change this”…


Ok to start this if im hated for this i blame all of you.

Start your forge with a stability paste lvl2 then begin placing the gum of your choice 4 times. This will boost your stability back to 1800. Then begin using your drain boon 1 untill your vigor is just low enough to use a vigor cat which should bring you back well over 1800 vigor. Then again use stability paste and spam the ■■■■ outta gums again to raise your stability back up. Rinse wash repeat.

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But even if I’m at 1800 at the end of a 10/10/10 craft, wouldn’t that be the same as infinite vigor?

Even if there was such a thing as infinite vigor, you still can be limited by stability, And if you found a way to get good forges, via the normal in game mechanics. There is nothing inherently wrong with that. T7 and T8 worlds are not even out yet. It is quite possible that the hammers we are making right now that seem overpowered will be trash on a T8 world.

Not believing that one either. You paid stability to do what you did. It was not a smart choice and a waste of ingredients. Spamming stability, gum, fate draining, then vigor catalyst gets you 50 vigor, at the cost of stability. You pay coin, a lot.

This is balanced. Maybe you shouldn’t go over max vigor… that guy’s got a point. But it’s almost a non-issue because there are far better options you can do, like not waste ingredients.

I can’t speak for others but I can get much better results then what you have here, and it doesn’t require these methods.

Anyway, I’m done here. Got stacks of hammers so I’m good either way the game goes. I just figure I’d let other people know you’re trying to stir up drama around a non-issue.

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There’s no secret exploit here. You add modifiers. You cat modifiers into vigour. Add some stability paste if needed and just keep dumping boon points in.

It’s just a broken mechanic.

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And yet the persons are keeping it a secret for some reason.

I just posted it. It’s not some secret exploit. It’s actuially pretty dumb and a massive waste of ingredients.

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Read up it was explained on both ends how to get both vigor and stability over 1800. Maybe read before posting so fast?

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If it is a massive waste, then there is no problem here. He paid the price to do this.


Tis what ive been saying all along. It needs a rework yes but uts not broken by anymeans. Perfect stuff comes with a price of sorts.

I didn’t read the endless line of replys, so sorry if this has already been addressed. But it seems like:

  1. You didn’t aim for any specific boons. If you aim for 3 specific boons and getting that perfect tool it’s much more challenging to max it.

  2. Why did you hide the stability? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d say its about 12k worth of stuff. Including the Gem Item. Perfect Grapples sell for 30k-40k? I think we are all paying the price… lol

I would not know. I do not use coin. But if you are trying to say you are unhappy with the price of forged items. Nerfing it will only make them go up higher. Maybe you want them to go up in price?

This makes sense and is somewhat balanced from a cost perspective. I suspected the stab 2 gum spam but I don’t have a problem with this technique. If you guys are having to push closer to 60 rounds with this route for a result that others can do in <30…

Thank you for posting your method.


Howdy neighbor! Ya, that was my Max Dmg/100% crit chance/175% crit effect Fist that I aimed for using the Gums… its too slow tho. I’m going back to slingbows.

I think very few of us sell our forged gear. So you could probably corner the market if you want.

oh wow yeah this is very expensive, but good to know.

EDIT: I still see no reason to nerf though


My food store started selling 3x3 hammers… there are a lot of ppl doing it I feel. I’ll put out some stuff from time to time. But I almost feel bad selling it… it does feel like an exploit to me. Not everyone thinks so tho, which is ok.

I’m just looking forward to a change! If they mix it up a bit, and I have to try to find another way that would be great! We are a very resilient community, and i think no matter what, we would find a way to do similar forges without that “shifty” feel. =D