Please stop calling stone xp an exploit

I dunno, language is pretty fluid.

Not an exploit to you as your interpretation…could be for them.

Also, do keep in mind language is ever evolving and in linguistics context changes definitions.

As such, perhaps this is a ‘boundless exploit’. :slight_smile:

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Thats not true.
An exploit is all that is abused by players for their advantage in a way thats not intended by Developer.
That can be just an abusing of wrong balancing too.

And here it was abused for long time and it was not intended by Devs, so they call it exploit.

That they don’t ban people for it, does not mean it is not an exploit. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe need to be sure of what we are talking, I always consider “exploit” like “bug abuse”.
It’s something that should not happen or not intended.
Transform rock to stone is normal, except if the dev team made an error.


I guess the question is what is the error? Allowing 2xp per rock to stone? Allowing AOE hammers to be so abundant that players have millions of rock? Putting teaching foods into the game to promote leveling and then complain some players are leveling too fast? I just feel they are chasing the current symptom of the problem and will continue to nerf xp to gate players leveling instead of trying to understand why players are doing this and what is really enabling the activity in the first place.


The “problem” is if a dev add XP for this if it wasn’t supposed to.
The rest is normal and they just didn’t see it was too easy XP for alts. And I agree with you.

We had xp for this since EA so it was added anytime since I started playing, If they had added it when the game went live then, I could agree the addition might have been a mistake. I guess the issue I see is they can cut this xp, but with the tools they have provided us, players will just find the next big thing. Some are saying it will be brick, some are saying it will be the furnace and some are saying you just go start destroying entire planet biospheres for the xp using aoe tools. I just feel the developers are chasing their tails and we will continue to see these nerfs which I think will affect player retention.


The issue as I see it, is that they have 2 time gated functions, where one can affect the other, and one of them pauses when you log off.

This really stems from the request for buffs to not expire when logged off. It’s fine for things like the “well fed” buff, as that is not integrated into any other systems… but when it comes to systems like earning experience, that’s where the logged-off-pause-all-buffs idea falls over, as the rest of the game carries on without it - allowing a teaching food to be extended way beyond it’s original intention.


I disagree that this is the common usage of ‘exploit.’ The whole point of my original post is that the term exploit carries a certain emotional weight that I feel is being misused in this case.

In my experience, exploit implies that the players are doing something that is not only outside of the developer intent (a LOT of gameplay is stuff the developers never intended), but also obviously abusive. The implication is that the players taking advantage of the exploit should know better and are doing something wrong. Exploits are usually the results of bugs or unexpected interactions between systems. My point is that rock xp is not an exploit because it is a totally predictable result of core systems (which btw are not being changed) interacting in their intended way. Calling it an exploit is a problem because it deflects blame for the issue from the devs and the systems they put in place to the players who are just taking full advantage of those systems. It also implies that if players take intended systems and scale them up they are somehow exploiting the systems and doing something wrong.

Hey James, thanks for responding, but I think something got lost in the translation of your comment to text where we can’t get your tone. I don’t understand the intent of your comment.

Are countering my assertion that devs are misusing the term ‘exploit’ by saying that players are misusing the term ‘nerf?’ Are you saying that players call negative balance changes ‘nerfs’ because that is what they are and likewise you are calling rock xp an ‘exploit’ because that is what it is? Do you honestly not understand the term ‘nerf?’ I am genuinely confused as to the meaning of your comment.


this measure I think is good, since it forces you to play the game and not to win xp only making rock, you level up immediately and then you do not play because you are already high level, you get bored and criticism comes about that the game it has nothing and it lacks more diversity, but you are very wrong, you win xp in many ways and fast only you have to play, you want to avoid that you put to stone and disconnect, then you return when it is done and you raise a level barbarity adding a cake of xp you go up very very fast, therefore it is a good measure for us to play and take more advantage of the game instead of criticizing for criticizing you should see the good of this measure, now we have to look for another way to win xp quickly and that’s great, bring the game to life

I really think it was meant to be more of a joke but people took it and ran with it

Yeah I also thought it was a decently witty joke. British humor doesn’t always carry well though.

British has humor? Maybe more than German…but I never saw that.

more like the internet doesn’t, hence the multitude of emojis so things don’t get misconstrued
Tone of voice or facial expression conveys an awful lot of information when saying stuff.



You could always use multiple virtual machines.

Em, when are we going to address the REAL issue that caused every balance problem we’ve seen since release, and that is CENTRIFORGING. It allowed completely unimaginable leaps in the game and sped up everything. All of the issues we are currently facing are byproducts of the centriforge being added


:pleading_face:… why would we go there? This is beginning to balloon as many have suggested. We’re never getting the new content!!! :sob:

Honest oppinion from everyone. If the developers chose to remove the level cap and alts.

But you can use your points on a single character that you have used on the alts, with content being also new skills, and there goes the idea of power leveling low level alts, anyone be down for that?

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What level cap?

I think he’s referring to the level 50 cap for skill points.

Yes, to me, alts defeat the level cap, hence the issue of levelling lower level characters to quickly.

Remove level cap, inteoduce skills as new content on a regular bases. Also alts is like playing a single role with a mutliple personality disroder, and i dont mean that in a funny way, and to have it in a game that forces people to play like that in order to experience all of it, is even worse. Just my oppinion.

Thats where all these “exploits” and “nerfs” are coming from.